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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Mar 1977

Vol. 298 No. 3

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - County Tipperary Schools.


asked the Minister for Education when it is proposed to build the new boys national school at Cashel, County Tipperary.

Arrangements have been initiated for the replacement of the existing junior boys national school, the Christian Brothers national school for senior boys and the Convent national school in Cashel by new primary school facilities on a new common site.

My Department is in communication with the appropriate local interests regarding the matter of obtaining a suitable site of adequate size.

I am not in a position to say, at this stage, when building will commence.

Did the Minister say he had a site or was looking for a suitable site?

The chairman of the Cashel boys junior school is being asked to investigate the possibility of providing a site for the new school.

Is the Minister aware that a site is available behind the present national school which is suitable?

I am not aware of that.

Will the Minister direct the attention of his officials to it?

I will and if the manager comes up with that site and if it is available, it will be considered.


asked the Minister for Education if he is aware of the overcrowding in Powerstown national school, Clonmel, County Tipperary; and if he will make a statement regarding the proposal to extend the school to facilitate children who have been refused enrolment due to overcrowding.

I am aware that there is overcrowding in Powerstown national school. Measures to deal with the problem in the short term and in the long term are being considered and will be implemented as soon as possible.

I understand that the short-term measures being considered relate to a pre-fab or a chalet. In view of the large development occurring in the Powerstown parish, would the Minister consider meeting or having his officials meet a small deputation from the area to discuss whether it would be a short-term development or a long-term development?

It would probably be both. There must be long-term planning because of the development in the area but the short-term problem must be solved as well immediately.

Would the Minister consider meeting or having his officials meet a deputation to discuss the advisability of short-term planning having regard to the tremendous development in that area in the last number of years? I am interested in this because I am a parishioner of this parish.

A resident of Clonmel?

Yes, change of residence. Would the Minister or his officials meet a deputation to consider the overall development of the school? There is a short-term proposal at the moment to put up pre-fab type of buildings there. It seems to be a waste of money when there is a long-term proposal which can be done. There is co-operation within the parish to do it.

Both need to be done. First of all there must be a solution immediately to the short-term problem and then there can be planning for the long term. I will meet the deputation, or the Department will. We must gather information from the local authority and others concerned in the matter of getting the necessary accommodation and so forth.

I would emphasise that money is being spent at the moment which many people feel is a waste because of the long-term proposals. There are children in the parish at the moment, natives of the parish, who are being refused admission. I suggest the Minister would consider a meeting at which he could hear the views——

There will be somebody from my Department available at any time to discuss the matter with them.
