asked the Minister for Local Government if he has received the civil specification and revised drawings together with the flouridation specification and drawings for Spiddal regional water supply scheme, County Galway; and, if so, if he will state when final sanction will issue for these works.
Written Answers. - Water and Sewerage Schemes.
The documents referred to by the Deputy were received in my Department on 25th and 28th April respectively and are being examined. I have already approved contract drawings for the civil works and it is my intention to issue final sanction for this scheme if the documents now under examination are in order and if the contract documents for the filtration and pumping plant are also submitted and found in order.
asked the Minister for Local Government if he has received contract documents for Kilfenora sewerage scheme, County Clare; and, if so, if he will grant his approval for the proposed works.
Contract documents for this scheme are under consideration in my Department. Having regard, however, to the high cost and the need to conserve capital for the water and sewerage schemes of highest priority, I cannot say when I will be in a position to convey a decision thereon to the local authority.