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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 31 Jan 1978

Vol. 303 No. 1

Written Answers. - Occupational Injury Benefit.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare why a person (name supplied) in County Offaly has had his occupational injury benefit claim reduced; and the reason for the delay in having his appeal heard.

The person referred to has been in receipt of disablement benefit under the Occupational Injuries Acts since 1971 based on provisional assessments of his loss of faculty resulting from injury to his back. Following an examination by a medical referee the provisional assessment of 30 per cent loss of faculty was reduced to a final assessment of 5 per cent for life with effect from 8 July 1977.

Arrangements have been made to hear his appeal against this decision on 1 February 1978, the earliest date for which an oral hearing could be fixed. The appellant was notified of this on 24 January 1978.
