asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport if he will consider making funds available for the provision of an airstrip in Inishbofin, County Galway, and if not, why.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Inishbofin (Galway) Airstrip.
(Dublin South-Central): There are no funds at my disposal for the development of local airstrips. My statutory responsibility in regard to the provision of such airstrips is limited to determining the suitability of proposed sites and to the issue of licences where appropriate. Technical advice is given by officers of my Department where requested.
Could the Minister tell the House if his Department ever gave a grant towards an airport or an airstrip?
(Dublin South-Central): Only national airports.
Not to small airports?
(Dublin South-Central): No.
I ask your permission, Sir, to raise a matter on the Adjournment.
I want to finish the last question.
I understood that there are some questions due tomorrow to the same Minister and he will have to come into the House for the Department of Posts and Telegraphs.
I am calling Question No. 23.
I should like to ask a supplementary question on Question No. 22. Will the Minister consider introducing legislation to allow him to give grants for the provision of airstrips? In view of the fact that the State is investing heavily in other forms of transport, surely in places such as Inishbofin it should facilitate the provision of air transport?
(Dublin South-Central): It has never been the practice of this Department to allocate funds for these projects.
If one is prepared to put money into the provision of other forms of transport, does the Minister not consider it equally logical to put money into air transport where that is necessary? In the case of an island such as this it is more necessary than would be the case elsewhere.
That is not a question. It is an argument.
Does not the Minister agree that is the case?
I am calling Question No. 23.
Question No. 23 is in the name of Deputy O'Donnell but, due to a family bereavement, he cannot be here today. As the same Minister will be answering questions in respect of Posts and Telegraphs tomorrow, in the circumstances I should like to ask the Chair to leave Question No. 23 until tomorrow.
The Deputy who put down the question is not seeking to have it postponed?
He has asked me to deputies for him. Due to his mother's death he cannot be here today.
Is the Deputy authorised to ask for adjournment of the question?
Yes, provided it is answered tomorrow.
The Chair cannot guarantee that it will be answered tomorrow. The remaining questions will appear on tomorrow's Order Paper. Deputy Mitchell has informed me that he wishes to raise a matter on the Adjournment.
I wish to give notice of my intention to raise on the Adjournment as a matter of urgency the question of the passing of a motion last night by Dublin Corporation allowing contravention of the city's development plan as a result of a loophole in the 1963 Planning Act which is manifestly against the public interest.
I shall communicate with the Deputy.
With the permission of the Chair I wish to raise on the Adjournment the breakdown of the administration of the traffic warden system in Dublin city which I understand, is the joint responsibility of the Minister for Justice and the local authority.
I will communicate with the Deputy.
On a point of order, I wish to object to the removal of a question of mine from the Order Paper. The question was No. 35 on the Order Paper for last Thursday. Today I received a letter from you stating that because it related to a matter that was expected to become sub judice——
When questions are not accepted they cannot be raised in the House.
It was on the Order Paper and it was removed. The matter is not sub judice; it is only expected to become sub judice.
I shall look into the matter for the Deputy and communicate with him.