asked the Taoiseach if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
Written Answers. - EEC Council of Ministers' Meetings.
Statements giving details of the last three meetings of the European Council were laid before both Houses on 18 July 1978, 6 December 1978 and 14 March 1979.
The next meeting will be held in June 1979. The subjects to be discussed at that meeting are not yet known.
asked the Minister for Finance if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
The proceedings of the Council of Ministers are confidential. Nevertheless, I feel I can give the information in the attached statement.
The next meeting of the Council of Economics and Finance Ministers is fixed for 23 April 1979. The agenda has not as yet been agreed by the Committee of Permanent Representatives.
Council of Ministers (Economics and Finance)
Date of Council |
Agenda |
Decisions taken |
18 December 1978 |
1. Action to be taken following European Council of 4 and 5 December. |
1. (i) Council adopted a regulation changing the value of the unit of account to be used by the European Monetary Co-operation Fund.* |
(ii) The Council adopted a regula- tion empowering the European Monetary Corporation Fund to receive deposits of reserves from member states and to issue ECU's in exchange.* |
(iii) Council adopted a decision amending the machinery for Medium-Term Financial As- sistance.* |
2. Proposal for a Council Decision adopting the Annual Report on the Economic Situation in the Community and settling the Economic Policy Guidelines for 1979. |
2. Council adopted the report. |
19 February 1979 |
1. Exchange of Views on the Economic Situation in the Community |
2. Preparation for European Council of 12 and 13 March. |
2. Exchange of views on economic and monetary items, likely to be raised at European Council. |
3. Preparation for IMF Interim Committee. |
3. Council agreed the statement to be made on behalf of the Community at the Interim Committee. |
19 March 1979 |
1. Follow-up to European Council. |
1. Council agreed procedures for ex- amination of problems referred to it by European Council. |
2. First quarterly examina- tion of the situation in the Community. |
2. Quarterly report was adopted. |
3. Interest Subsidy Regulation. |
3. Council held a brief preliminary exchange of views on the interest Sub- sidy Regulation pending receipt of Parliament's opinion. |
4. Proposal to activate tranche of Ortoli Facility. |
4. Council will discuss this matter again when Parliament's opinion is available. |
* These three instruments were adopted subject to French reserves which have since been lifted.
asked the Minister for the Public Service if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
In my capacity as Minister for the Public Service I have not attended any EEC Council of Ministers' meeting.
asked the Minister for Health if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
I have attended two EEC Councils of Ministers. They were held on 13 December 1977 and 16 November 1978. The agenda for each meeting and the decisions taken on each item thereon were as follows:
13 December 1977
Exchange of views on the economic aspects of health—Views were exchanged and further studies were to be developed.
Health education policies—Suggestions for Community action were to be prepared.
Vaccinations—Information and co-operation measures were to be improved.
Mutual assistance in the event of disasters—The Commission were asked to continue with its examination of this matter.
16 November 1978
Economic aspects of health—The results of the studies which the Commission had carried out on health care costs were considered and the Commission were asked to make suitable suggestions for future Community action in this area.
Health education policies—Commission were requested to take the necessary steps in specified spheres in relation to smoking and nutrition, and to explore the problem of drug abuse in sport further at Community level.
Vaccination problems—These problems to be dealt with as before by the World Health Organisation and the Council of Europe.
Mutual medical assistance in the event of catastrophes—The Commission were to carry out a number of mutual health assistance activities.
Information on progress in applying the Directives on the right of establishment and the freedom to provide services of doctors, nurses and dentists—The report of the Commission on progress made in applying the directives was noted.
Possible creation of an Advisory Committee on Public Health—The Council agreed to request the Commission to consider in co-operation with member states, whether and to what extent such a committee was necessary.
A date and agenda for the next Health Council have not yet been determined.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
I have attended two Council meetings of Ministers responsible for social affairs. The first meeting was on 28 October 1977. At that meeting, as well as dealing with items on the agenda which were the responsibility of my own Department, I deputised for the Minister for Labour, who was unable to attend, in relation to items for which his Department were responsible.
Apart from customary routine items the following items were on the agenda: 1. Re-examination of the rules governing the tasks and operation of the European Social Fund. 2. Commission communication concerning the employment of young people. 3. Proposal for a Council Decision amending the Council Decision of 22 July 1975 concerning a programme of pilot schemes and studies to combat poverty. 4. Proposals for Regulations amending Regulations (EEC) Nos. 1408/71 and 574/72 and their Annexes on the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their families moving within the Community. 5. Fifth report of the European Social Fund (financial year 1976). 6. Report on the programme to combat poverty. 7. First progress report of the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work.
My Department was responsible for items 3, 4 and 6 and the decisions taken in relation to these items were as follows—
Item 3—The Council agreed on an amendment to the Decision of 22 July 1975 to ensure that action under the poverty programme would continue with financial assistance from the Community beyond the two years originally laid down. The amendment enables Community financing to continue until 1980 for projects currently in progress.
Item 4—This item contained proposals for improvements in the Regulations dealing with social security for migrant workers. The proposals were approved.
Item 6—This item concerned the report for 1976 on the operation of the pilot schemes to combat poverty. The Council took note of the report.
The second meeting which I attended was on 27 November 1978 and the main items on the agenda were as follows: 1. Proposals for Community support for aid to promote the employment of young people. 2. Sixth report on the European Social Fund 1977 financial year. 3. Proposal for a Directive on the progressive implementation of the principle of equality of treatment for men and women in matters of social security. 4. Second European social budget. 5. Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the approximation of the laws of the member states to combat illegal immigration and illegal employment.
—Progress report. 6. Situation regarding social matters and employment in the Community. —Progress report (Introductory statement of Mr. Vredeling, Vice-President of the Commission).
My Department was responsible for items 3 and 4 and the decisions taken in relation to these items were as follows:
Item 3—The Council agreed on the proposal for a directive on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security. The directive applies to statutory schemes of social security and member states have six years within which to comply with its terms. Occupational schemes are not covered by the directive but the Council noted the Commission's intention of making additional proposals regarding these schemes at a later stage.
Item 4—The Council took note of the Second European Social Budget which had been drawn up in accordance with guidelines adopted by it at its meeting on 30 April 1976, stressed the importance of the information provided, invited the Commission, in co-operation with experts from member states, to evaluate the experience gained in drawing up the Second Budget and then to submit proposals for a third European Social Budget.
In reply to a similar question addressed to him, the Minister for Labour is supplying information in relation to the items on the agendas of both meetings for which his Department were responsible.
I understand that the next meeting of the Council of Social Affairs Ministers is planned for 15 May next. The agenda for the meeting is not, however, yet available.
asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decisions taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
EEC Council of Ministers meetings took place at Brussels on 25 September 1978, 24-25 November 1978 and 19 February 1979.
Discussions at these meetings mainly centred on measures for the conservation and management of fishery resources, fishing plans and total allowable catches for 1979, structural policy in relation to inshore fishing and agreements with third countries.
The only decisions taken at the meetings were in relation to interim arrangements with third countries for the period up to 31 March 1979.
At this juncture no date has been set for the next Council meeting although I expect the date to be finalised shortly.
asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
The following is the information sought by the Deputy:
(a) Date |
(b) Agenda |
(c) Decisions Taken |
12 June 1978 |
1. Adoption of the agenda. |
Adopted |
2. Approval of the list of “A” items |
Approved |
3. Proposal for a Council Decision on the adoption by certain member states of the European Economic Community of an Additional Protocol to the revised Convention for the Navigation of the Rhine of 17 October 1968 as it stands at 20 November 1963 and the accession of the European Economic Com- munity to that Convention. |
This proposal was referred to the Perma- nent Representatives Committee for further examination. |
4. Proposal for a Council Directive on summer time arrangements. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
5. Proposal for a Council Regulation laying down uniform costing princi- ples for railway undertakings. |
Approved. |
6. Proposal for a Council Directive amending Council Directive 68/297/EEC on the standardisation of provisions regarding the duty-free admission of fuel contained in the fuel tanks of commercial motorvehicles. |
After an exchange of views on the proposal, the Council agreed that the item would remain on the agenda for dis- cussion at their next meeting. |
7. Proposal for a first Council Direc- tive on the adjustment of national taxation systems for commercial road vehicles. |
The Council agreed in principle on this issue and instructed the Committee of Permanent Representatives to consider the matter further. |
8. Problem of taxes on road transport between the Community and Austria or in transit through Austria. |
Following an exchange of views, the Council called on the Commission to fol- low developments in the situation and to report on any steps which the Community might need to take. |
9. Proposal for a Council Regulation on the harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport plus a proposal for amendments thereto. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
10. Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the activities of certain third countries in cargo liner ship- ping. |
The Council agreed to this draft deci- sion. |
11. Council Recommendation on the ratification of Conventions on safety in shipping. |
The Council recorded its agreement on the draft Recommendation. |
12. Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning accession to the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences. |
This proposal was referred back to the Permanent Representatives Committee for further consideration. |
13. Establishment of a work programme for civil aviation questions. |
Approved. The Committee of Permanent Representatives were instructed to work out details of relevant measures which the Community might adopt. |
14. Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the harmonisation of the laws relating to motor vehicle driving licences. |
Following an exchange of views on this matter the Council agreed to await the opinion of the Court of Justice. |
15. Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning a system for observing the markets for the carriage of goods by rail, road and inland waterway between the member states. |
The Council took note of the Commis- sion's proposal. |
16. Commission communication to the Council —Report on the implementation of the Council Directive of 17 February 1975 on the establishment of common rules for certain types of combined rail/road carriage of goods between member states. |
The Council took note of the Commis- sion's report on this issue and called upon the Commission to seek ways of stimulating carriers' interest in combined rail/road transport and of overcoming the difficulties currently standing in the way of greater use of the rail/road technique. |
17. Commission report to the Council on the progress made in the prepara- tion of a programme of co-operation among railway undertakings. |
The Council noted the report and asked for action in this matter to be contained. |
18. Other business |
No decision required. |
—Commission statement on problems facing road transport in East/West relations. |
23 November 1978 |
1. Adoption of the agenda. |
Adopted. |
(Attended by Minister of Stateat the Dept. of Tourism and Transport.) |
2. Approval of the list of “A” items. |
Approved. |
3. Safety at sea.(a) Draft Council Recommendation on the ratification of the 1978 International Convention on the Training, Certification and Watch-keeping of Seafarers, prepared by the German delegation. |
Approved. |
(b) Draft Council Directive on pilotage in the North Sea and the English Channel, submitted by the German delegation. |
Approved. |
(c) Draft Council Directive on the minimum requirements laid down for certain tankers entering and leaving Community ports, sub- mitted by the German Delegation. |
Approved. |
(d) Proposal for a Council Decision on the Memorandum of Under- standing of 2 March 1978 between certain maritime authorities on the maintenance of standards on merchant ships. |
Council decision not adopted. The Council welcomed the fact that Ireland and Italy had announced their intention of participating in the Memorandum of Understanding (the Hague Memoran- dum) shortly. |
4. Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning accession to the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
5. Draft Council Decision concerning the collection of information on the activities of carriers participating in cargo liner traffic in certain areas of operation. |
Agreed in principle. Formal decision to be taken later. |
6. Proposal for a Council Directive on the limitation of noise emission from subsonic aircraft. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
7. Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the adoption by certain member states of the European Economic Community of an Ad- ditional Protocol to the revised Convention for the Navigation of the Rhine of 17 October 1968 as it stands at 20 November 1963 and the accession of the European Economic Community to that Convention. |
The Council agreed to a draft Decision concerning the adoption by certain member states of the Community of an additional Protocol to the revised Convention for the Navigation of the Rhine. |
8. Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the harmonisation of the laws relating to motor vehicle driving licences. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
9. Proposal for a Council Directive relating to the weights and dimensions of commercial road vehicles and certain additional technical con- ditions. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further Study. |
10. Proposal for a Council Regulation on support for projects of Community interest in transport infrastructure. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
11. Draft for a first Council Directive on the adjustment of national taxation systems for commercial road vehicles. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
12. Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 75/130/EEC on the establishment of common rules for certain types of combined road/rail carriage of goods between member states. |
Agreed in principle. Formal decision to be taken later. |
13. Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 3164/76 on the Community quota for the carriage of goods by road between member states. |
Consensus reached on increase in Com- munity quota. Formal decision to be taken later. |
14. Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1192/69 on common rules for the normalisation of the accounts of railway undertakings. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
15. Other business Commission statement on the problem of the adjustment of capacity for the transport of goods by road between member states. |
No decision required. |
20 February 1979. |
1. Adoption of the Agenda. |
Adopted. |
2. Approval of the list of “A” items. |
Approved. |
3. Proposal for a Council Regulation concerning accession to the United Nations Convention on a Code of Conduct for Liner Conferences. |
Council agreed to return to this item in the near future in the light of the work to be done by the Commission in the mean- time. |
4. Proposal for a Council Decision rendering mandatory the procedures for ship inspection forming the sub- ject of Resolutions of the Inter- Governmental Maritime Con- sultative Organisation. |
Council agreed to return to the matter at a forthcoming meeting. |
5. Proposal for a Council Directive on the limitation of noise emission from subsonic aircraft. |
Council agreed to return to the matter at a forthcoming meeting. |
6. Amended proposal for a Council Directive on the harmonisation of the laws relating to motor vehicle driving licences. |
Referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study. |
7. Statement by the French Delegation on safety at sea |
Council agreed to instruct the Committee of Permanent Representatives to follow up the French delegation's initiative by studying the proposals on the subject. |
The next meeting of the Council of Ministers (Transport) is planned for the end of June 1979. No final date or agenda has, however, yet been fixed.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
In my capacity as Minister for Posts and Telegraphs I have not attended any of the meetings referred to. I do not expect to attend any such meeting in the near future.
asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers' meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
The information requested is as follows:
(1) Council of Ministers (Agriculture) 5-6 February 1979
At this meeting, the main items discussed were:
—the Commission's agricultural price proposals and related measures for 1979-80;
—the Commission's proposals for eliminating MCAs;
—the Commission's proposals for cross-Border drainage in Ireland;
—the Commission's proposal for a common organisation of the potato market;
—the Commission's proposal for preventive withdrawal from the market of apples and pears;
—the Commission's proposal to increase the standard amount for processing costs in the sluice-gate price for pigmeat;
—the Commission's proposal for a common organisation of the market in alcohol of agricultural origin.
The Council took decisions on the Commission's proposals on cross-Border drainage in Ireland and on preventive withdrawal of apples and pears.
(2) Council of Ministers (Agriculture) 12 February 1979
At this meeting, the main items discussed were:
—the Commission's proposals for eliminating MCAs;
—postponement of a regulation on consumer aid in the olive oil sector;
—position in regard to Community provisions on isoglucose;
—protection of live animals in transport;
—market situation for beef.
The Council agreed to postpone the consumer aid regulation for olive oil.
(3) Council of Ministers (Agriculture) 5-6 March 1979
At this meeting, the main items discussed were:
—the Commission's proposals for eliminating MCAs;
—the Commission's proposals for prices and related measures for 1979-80;
—the situation of the pigmeat market in the Community;
—continuance of the arrangement for payment of MCA subsidies on import to Italy and the UK;
—the Commission's proposal on expenditure from the FEOGA Guidance Section;
—the Commission's proposal for a common organisation of the potato market;
—imports of maize seed from third countries;
—protection of live animals in transport;
—Community position in the GATT multilateral trade negotiations.
The Council agreed certain points relating to the Commission's proposals on eliminating MCAs and eight member states (excluding the UK) reached an understanding on the phasing out of any new MCAs arising in the content of EMS. This enabled EMS to come into force on 13 March. The Council also agreed to the continuance of the arrangements for payment of MCA subsidies to the exporter in trade between Ireland and the UK.
I am arranging to have copies of the Council press releases on these meetings which give more detailed information placed in the Library of the House.
The next meeting of the Council of Ministers (Agriculture) is to take place on 26-27 March 1979. The agenda for that meeting has not yet been fixed and will be circulated in the next few days.
asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
I interpret the Deputy's question to refer to the past three EEC Councils which were attended by me or at which I was represented by a Minister of State at my Department.
On this basis, the three Councils are 5-6 February 1979 (Foreign Affairs) attended by Mr. R. Burke, TD, Minister of State; 21 December 1978 (Energy) attended by me; 19 December 1978 (Foreign Affairs) attended by Mr. R. Burke, TD, Minister of State.
Set out hereunder are notes of the main items of concern to my Department which were discussed at these Councils and of the decisions taken on them.
(a) Council (Foreign Affairs) of 5-6 February 1979
GATT Multi-lateral Trade Negotiations.
The Commission reported on the latest state of the negotiations and was requested to continue its efforts to achieve early progress on the matters still outstanding.
(b) Council (Energy) 21 December 1978
(i) Energy Objectives for 1990.
The Commission was requested to submit, early in 1979, more detailed information on objectives for 1990.
(ii) Energy savings from the modernisation of buildings.
The Council recorded its agreement on the substance of a recommendation to the member states to draw up programmes of action by the 31 December 1979 on the reduction of energy requirements for buildings in the Community.
(iii) Information on the energy consumption of domestic appliances.
The Council agreed in principle on the provisions aimed at providing consumers with information, by means of labelling, on the energy consumption of domestic appliances.
(iv) Coal.
The Council held a wide-ranging discussion on three proposals concerning Community measures on and for coal. However, agreement was not reached on them.
(v) Financial support for demonstration projects in the field of energy.
The Council agreed in principle on two regulations fixing the amounts of aid to be granted and also agreed on an initial series of demonstration projects recommended by the Commission. Total support of 150 million units of account during a four-year programme was agreed in principle.
(vi) Refining Sector.
The Council noted that there were still numerous problems in the refining sector of the Community oil industry, particularly that of surplus production capacity, and requested the Commission to continue regular checks on developments.
(vii) Hydrocarbon exploration.
The Council examined a report from a group of geological experts from the member states which had examined certain projects put forward for Community assistance. The Permanent Representatives Committee was instructed to resume examination of the basic Regulation setting up the proposed support scheme.
(c) Council (Foreign Affairs) 19 December 1978.
(i) Iron and Steel Problems.
The Council agreed to the continuation in 1979 of the crisis measures taken in the steel sector in 1978 (minimum and guidance prices, surveillance of imports etc.) and to the renewal of "Arrangments" with countries exporting steel to the Community. The measures in question are to be reviewed if a decision concerning aid to the steel industry is not adopted by 1 April 1979.
(ii) GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
The Council noted a Commission report on progress made in the negotiations and intimated that the negotiations should be completed rapidly.
(iii) Right of Establishment.
—Life Assurance. The Council agreed in principle and subject to certain amendments, to a Commission proposal for a directive.
—Admission of securities to official stock exchange listing. The Council agreed in principle to a Commission proposal co-ordinating the conditions for the admission of securities to official stock exchange listing.
(iv) 1979 EFTA Ceilings (Procedure for reintroduction of customs duties).
Regulations were adopted fixing target ceilings and introducing Community surveillance of certain imports originating in the countries of EFTA.
(v) Textiles—Relations with the "preferential" Mediterranean countries.
Problems arising in the conclusion of textile arrangements with these countries were examined. The Permanent Representatives Committee was instructed to continue work on the subject so that an early decision could be taken.
The next Council at which matters of concern to my Department will be discussed will meet on 27 March 1979. The agenda for this Council, which will deal with energy matters, is not yet available.
asked the Minister for Defence if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
I have not attended any such meeting in my capacity as Minister for Defence nor is any meeting planned which would involve the Minister for Defence.
asked the Minister for Justice if he will give a report of each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
On 9 October 1978 I attended a meeting of the Council of Ministers of Justice in Luxembourg. This was the only meeting of that Council to be held since I assumed office. The particulars requested are as follows:
(a) Date: 9 October 1978.
(b) Agenda: The official text of the Agenda is set out in Appendix A.
(c) Decisions taken: The decisions taken, as recorded in official EEC documentation, are set out in Appendix B.
Date of next meeting: Not yet fixed.
Proposals to be discussed at next meeting: See items 9 and 11 of Appendix B.
Appendix A—Agenda.
1. Adoption of the agenda.
2. Approval of the list of "A" items.*
3. Signing by the Representatives of the Governments of the member states meeting within the Council of the Convention on the Accession of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Convention on the Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters and to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justice.
4. Recognition of court decisions regarding child custody.
5. Adoption in the official languages of the Communities of a third Council directive based on Article 54 (3) (g) of the Treaty and concerning intra-state mergers of public limited liability companies.
*Note: The list of “A” items refers to matters on which complete agreement has been reached at the Committee of Permanent Representatives and are adopted by the Council without discussion. None of the “A” items at the meeting of 9 October concerned matters coming within the scope of my functions.
6. Measures necessary for the proper functioning of the Court of Justice.
7. Setting up of a Court of first instance with jurisdiction for disputes between the Institutions and their staff.
8. Measures to improve knowledge and accessibility of Community law.
9. Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to interpret international conventions between member states, which are related to the objectives of the Communities—note submitted by the German delegation.
10. Participation by member states in cases before the Court of Justice—communication from the United Kingdom delegation.
11. Other business.
Appendix B—Decisions Taken.
The Council approved the "A" items.
Accession to the Judgments Convention (Item 3).
The Ministers signed:
—the Accession Convention mentioned under item 3 of the Agenda;
—a Joint Declaration concerning the International Convention relating to the Arrest of Sea-going Ships, signed at Brussels on 10 May 1952.
They also adopted a declaration that they intended to use their best endeavours to ensure the Accession Convention was ratified quickly.
In addition, they decided to have published in the Official Journal of the European Communities the Accession Convention, together with the 1968 Judgements Convention and the 1971 Protocol, as amended by the Accession Convention, and the official explanatory reports on them.
Recognition of court decisions regarding child custody (Item 4).
The Council acknowledged that this matter was a serious one in all member states and agreed to the following procedural arrangements:
—a committee of experts under the Commission's auspices would report on the results so far and prospects of success in the work in progress within the Council of Europe and the Hague Conference on Private International law;
—it would investigate in the light of that examination whether a complementary, or if need be alternative, solution should be considered for the Community;
—the report on the above work would be submitted to the Permanent Representatives Committee within six months.
Third Company Law Directive (Item 5).
The Council adopted the third Council directive mentioned under item 5 of the Agenda.
Functioning of the Court of Justice (Item 6).
The Council adopted the following statement:
The Council of the European Communities,
—having taken note of the memorandum from the Court on the measures it deems necessary to ensure its proper functioning now and in the future, shares the Court's concern that the quality and output of legal work should be maintained;
—confirms its determination to introduce all measures within its power to enable the Court, in view of the significant increase in its workload, to continue carrying out conscientiously and rapidly the tasks entrusted to it pursuant to the Treaties;
—states that it is favourably disposed to an adaptation of the rules of procedure, whilst respecting fundamental principles of procedure and judicial organisation, such as to ensure that the Court functions as smoothly as possible and that the time taken by proceedings is kept within reasonable limits;
—takes note of the Court's suggestions for an increase in the number of Judges and Advocates-General;
—instructs the Permanent Representatives Committee to examine as soon as possible all the proposals which the Court may submit in the light of today's discussions and to submit an initial report within six months of the submission of such proposals.
Court of first instance for disputes between the Institutions and their staff (Item 7).
The Council adopted a statement taking notes of a Commission proposal for a regulation on this matter and of the Court's favourable opinion thereon. It also took note of the staff representatives' request for initiation of the dialogue procedure on this proposal and of the Presidency's intention of granting that request.
Measures to improve knowledge and accessibility of Community law (Item 8).
The Council adopted a statement confirming the importance which it attached to measures to improve knowledge and accessibility of Community law and noting progress in this direction since its last meeting in 1974. The statement also noted that the information available in the inter-institutional documentation system would be made accessible to the member states, that a source index to Community legislation would be published in the course of 1979 and that the Court of Justice intended to set up an index system of its case law as well as the case law of the courts of member states concerning Community law. In regard to the latter proposal, it invited member states and Community Institutions to assist the Court in every way possible and suggested that the Court convene a working party within a period of three months to promote an exchange of views on suitable procedures.
Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice to interpret international convention between member states, which are related to the objectives of the Communities (Item 9).
The Council noted the German delegation's request that its note on this point be considered at the next Council meeting of Ministers of Justice.
Participation by member states in cases before the Court of Justice (Item 10).
The Council instructed the Permanent Representatives Committee to arrange that the suggestions in this regard by the United Kingdom Minister would be examined by the working party which is to consider the proposals to be submitted by the Court for coping with its increased workload, having due regard to the initial views expressed by the other delegations.
Other business—Harmonisation of periods of limitation for refund applications arising out of Community law (Item 11).
The Council took note of a request by the Belgian delegation for some harmonisation of the periods within which applications for the refunding of expenditure arising out of Community law must be submitted, as such periods varied considerably from one member state to another.
asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meeting attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
While the Deputy will appreciate that the confidential nature of the proceedings of the Council of Ministers imposes limits on the detailed information which I can provide, I can inform him that the most important issues discussed and the conclusions reached at the last three meetings of the Council attended by me were as follows:
(A) Foreign Affairs Council on 15 January 1979.
(1) European Monetary System/ Monetary Compensatory Amounts.
The Council discussed problems regarding monetary compensatory amounts which were preventing EMS from coming into force.
(2) Community Budget.
The Council instructed the Permanent Representatives Committee to examine the inter-Institutional problems which existed and to report back as soon as possible.
(3) Conciliation Procedure with the European Parliament.
The Council discussed the progress made in the conciliation procedures concerning (1) regional policy, (2) financial and technical aid to the non-associated developing countries and requested the President to continue talks with the European Parliament.
(4) Effects of Enlargement on Mediterranean Countries.
It was agreed that detailed studies and proposals on the effects of enlargement on Third countries would be prepared by the Commission.
(B) Foreign Affairs Council on 5-6 February 1979.
(1) Community Budget.
The Permanent Representatives Committee was instructed to continue its discussion in the light of the Council debate and to report back as soon as possible.
(2) GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
The Commission reported on the latest stage of negotiations and was requested to continue its efforts to ensure that rapid progress was made on the matters still outstanding.
(3) Relations between the Community and the associated States of Africa, the Carribean and the Pacific.
Progress in the negotiations was reviewed.
(4) Yugoslavia.
The Council agreed the Community mandate for the negotiation of a new EEC-Yugoslavia Co-operation Agreement.
(C) Foreign Affairs Council on 5-6 March 1979.
(1) GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations.
Following discussion, the Commission was instructed to continue its negotiations with the other parties to the MTNs.
(2) Relations between the Community and the associated States of Africa, the Carribean and the Pacific.
The subject was referred to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further study.
(3) Community Budget.
The Committee of Permanent Representatives was instructed to examine the outstanding problems as a matter of urgency.
I might add that, in accordance with normal practice, the Council Secretariat issued a press release after each Council session giving a summary of the conclusions reached by the Council. I have arranged for the press releases to be tabled, for the information of Deputies.
The next meeting of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs is scheduled to take place on 3 April 1979. The agenda for this meeting has not yet been circulated and is subject to preparation by the Committee of Permanent Representatives.
asked the Minister for the Environment if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
The information requested is given in tabular form below:
Council of Ministers (Economics and Finance)
Date of Council |
Agenda Item |
Decisions or Outcome |
18 and 19 December 1978 |
Political exchange of views on the development of the Com- munity environment policy. |
An informal general discussion was held and the Commission was re- quested to examine in greater depth the following four subjects: |
—environmental impact analyses |
—European conventions on the quality of life |
—clean technologies |
—waste management. |
18 and 19 |
Proposal for a directive relating to wood pulp mills. |
The proposal was referred to Permanent Representatives Committee for further attention and redrafting. |
Proposal for a directive on quality of water for human consumption. |
The draft directive was agreed in prin- ciple, subject to legal and linguistic finalisation. |
Proposal for a directive on bird conservation. |
The draft directive was agreed in prin- ciple, subject to legal and linguistic finalisation. |
Proposal for a directive on dumping of waste at sea. |
The council noted that the Commis- sion would withdraw this proposal on accession of the Community to the Oslo Convention. The Council agreed in principle that the Commission be authorised to negotiate accession to the Convention on behalf of the Community. |
Proposal for a directive on the protection of groundwater. |
The Council noted progress made and instructed the Permanent Representatives Committee to continue studying the proposal. |
Report by German delegation on the results of an inter- national Conference on fluorocarbons 6-8 December 1978. |
The Council noted the Report and asked the Commission to look into the possibilities of harmonising measures aimed at reducing the use of fluorocarbons. |
Implementation of the Action Programme of the EEC on the control and reduction of pollution caused by hydrocarbons discharged at sea. |
The Council heard a statement by the Commission on the current progress in the studies initiated under the programme. |
Proposal for recommendation regarding the methods of evaluating the cost of pollution control industry. |
The Council adopted the recommendation. |
30 May, 1978 |
Proposal for a directive of bird conservation. |
The Council asked the Committee of Permanent Representatives to consider certain outstanding problems further. |
Proposal for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to the composition of petrol (problem of lead content). |
The Council agreed in principle to the proposal. |
Further consideration of Community environmental policy (a statement by the French delegation). |
The statement was noted. |
Pollution of the sea caused by the transport of hydrocarbons (Commission communication) |
The Council agreed in principle on an action programme involving studies on the control and reduction of pollution caused by oil spills at sea. |
Proposal for a directive on the quality requirements for waters, capable of supporting freshwater fish. |
The Council agreed in principle the directive. |
Air pollution caused by sul- phur dioxide and suspended particulates (progress report). |
The Council took note of progress towards formulating proposals. |
12 December, 1977 |
Proposal for a directive on bird conservation. |
The Council referred the proposal to the Committee of Permanent Representatives for further consideration. |
Proposal for a directive on waste from the titanium dioxide industry. |
The Council agreed in principle on this proposal. |
Community measures on air pollution caused by sulphur compounds (health criteria — air quality standards—emission standards). |
This was a general debate, with no particular decisions being taken. |
Proposal for a directive on Toxic and Dangerous wastes. |
The Council agreed on the outstanding points in relation to this proposal. |
The next Council meeting will be on 9 April 1979. The agenda has not yet been finalised but the Council is expected to concentrate on a further discussion of policy aspects with particular reference to the matters referred to under column (c) above arising from the discussion on 18 December 1978.
asked the Minister for Labour if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
This reply relates to matters dealt with at the Council of EEC Ministers of Social Affairs which are of prime concern to the Minister for Labour. Matters of concern to the Minister for Health and Social Welfare are being dealt with in a separate reply by him. I attended the Council meetings of 27 November 1978 and 29 June 1978, but was unable to be present at the meeting of 28 October 1977, at which Ireland was represented by the Minister for Health and Social Welfare.
The dates, the agenda items and the decisions taken at the last three Councils of EEC Ministers for Social Affairs were briefly as follows:
Social Affairs Council, 27 November 1978.
(1) Youth Employment.
The Council agreed to a Regulation on the creation of new aids from the European Social Fund to assist young people.
(2) Illegal Immigration and Illegal Employment.
The Council took note of a report on the progress made on the proposal for a directive on the approximation of the laws of the member states to combat illegal immigration and illegal employment and instructed the Permanent Representatives Committee to continue examining this matter.
Social Affairs Council 29 June 1978.
(1) Safety and Health at Work.
The Council adopted a Resolution comprising an action programme of the European Communities on safety and health at work.
(2) Protection of Workers' Health.
The Council adopted a directive on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the member states on the protection of the health of workers exposed to vinyl chloride monomer.
(3) Employment of Young Persons.
Commission proposals for new aids from the European Social Fund for employment of young persons were discussed but no agreement was reached on them.
Social Affairs Council, 28 October 1977
(1) European Social Fund.
The Council continued and largely completed the discussion on the review of the tasks and operating rules of the Social Fund which had begun on 28 June 1977. The Council also asked the Commission to submit proposals for a new category of aid from the fund in respect of employment of young persons.
(2) Report of the European Social Fund.
The Council took note of the fifth report of the European Social Fund—— financial year 1976.
(3) Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection.
The Council took note of the first progress report produced by the Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work since the establishment of the Committee in June 1974 and the commencement of its activities in July 1975.
If the Deputy wishes to have more detailed information on the decisions taken at these three Councils I will arrange to furnish him with copies of the Council's official press releases.
It is understood that the next Council meeting will take place on 15 May 1979. The agenda for that meeting is not yet available.
asked the Minister for the Gaeltacht if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
Ní raibh mé i láthair ag aon chruinniú de Chomhairle an Chomhphobail.
asked the Minister for Education if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
I have not attended any meeting of the EEC Council of Ministers.
A date has not yet been fixed, or an agenda decided upon, for a future Council meeting which I would expect to attend.
asked the Minister for Economic Planning and Development if he will give a report on each of the past three EEC Council of Ministers meetings attended by him stating in particular (a) the date, (b) the agenda, (c) the decision taken, when the next meeting is to take place and if he will give details of each proposal to be discussed at that meeting.
The proceedings of the Council of Ministers are confidential. Nevertheless, I feel I can give the information in the attached statement.
The next meeting of the Council of Economics and Finance Ministers is scheduled for 23 April 1979. The agenda has not as yet been agreed by the Committee of Permanent Representatives.
Council and Date |
Agenda |
Decisions taken |
Budget Council 7 December 1977 |
Outstanding issues on the 1978 draft general budget:—regional fund—food aid |
The Council informed the European Parliament of the European Council's decision in relation to the Regional Fund 1978 commitment appropriations.It also approved the appropriations necessary for the supply of food aid in the form of skimmed milk powder. |
Economics and Finance Council 24 July 1978 |
1 Western Economic summit |
The Council heard an account of the Bonn Summit held on the 16-17 July 1978. |
2 Follow-up to European Council Bremen 6-7 July 1978 |
Discussion on guidelines for the elaboration of the European Monetary System. |
3 Second quarterly examination of the economic situation in the Community |
Council approved the decision on the adjustment of the 1978 official budgets and the preparation of the 1979 official budgets in the framework of the co- ordinated community approach. |
4 Application of the EUA to Community Acts |
Council established a common approach on the proposal for a regulation on the procedure for applying the EUA to legal acts adopted by the Institu- tions of the European Communities. |
5 Financial Assistance to the Italian Republic |
Council approved a decision and a directive amending the economic policy conditions for Community loans and medium-term financial assistance granted to Italy in the past years. |
Economics and Finance Council 19 March 1979 |
1 Follow-up to European Council Paris 12-13 March 1979 |
Council agreed procedures for examination of problems referred to it by the European Council. |
2 First quarterly examination of the economic situation in the Community |
Quarterly report was adopted and Council noted that no revision of December guidelines was necessary. |
3 Interest Subsidy Regulation |
Council held a brief preliminary exchange of views pending receipt of the opinion of the European Parliament. |
4 Proposal to activate tranche of Ortoli Facility |
Council will discuss this matter again when Parliament's opinion is available. |