asked the Taoiseach if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which would result from computerisation.
Written Answers. - Introduction of Computers.
I have no proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in my Department over the next five years.
Electronic data processing equipment has been widely used in the Central Statistics Office for some years. In the light of developing technology and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service which has a central role in this field, this will be extended to cope with complex operations and analyses which would not be feasible by manual processing.
It is difficult to quantify potential cost savings because of the large number of imponderables involved.
asked the Minister for Finance if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department keep the possibilities of introducing and expanding computerisation under constant review, in the light of developing needs and technologies, and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service who have a central role in this field. Electronic data processing is already used in my Department and associated offices for accounts and salary work, economic and financial forecasting, Revenue administration and engineering operations.
Feasibility studies relating to computerisation are under way at present in a number of other areas but it is not yet possible to estimate the likely cost savings involved.
The main effect of any change is likely to be the provision of a more efficient and flexible service rather than the replacement of tasks carried out manually.
asked the Minister for the Public Service if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department are responsible for ensuring that computerisation is effectively applied in the civil service and in certain related public service agencies. Comprehensive arrangements have been made, and continue to be developed, to ensure that computer facilities are available to all Departments. The Central Data Processing Services (CDPS) of my Department provide a wide range of computer services to many Government Departments and to certain related public service agencies. Before a decision is made to develop any computer system, CDPS and the user organisation examine the benefits likely to be achieved. Only those projects which are likely to result in substantial benefits are implemented. It is generally difficult to quantify potential cost savings because of the large number of imponderables involved. However, the benefits are much wider than cost saving—for example, it would scarcely be conceivable that many of the complex administrative systems operated with the aid of computers could be maintained in any other way.
As regards the Department of the Public Service itself, while some small elements of its administrative systems have been computerised, the scope for computer systems in the Department is limited. Any further computerisation of the Department's operations is likely to concentrate on improved planning and information systems rather than on routine tasks currently carried out manually.
asked the Minister for Health if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
No such proposals are under consideration at present in the Department of Health.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department will, as part of a continuous process of development and improvement of administrative systems and procedures, in consultation with the Department of the Public Service, who have a central role in this field, expand their use of computers or other electronic devices, as appropriate, over the next five years.
The Department's most significant computer development in the short term will be the computerisation of the social insurance record-keeping arrangements in order to cater for the records of the new fully pay-related social insurance contributions which will be collected via the Revenue Commissioners' computerised PAYE system.
It is difficult to quantify potential cost savings at this stage because of the number of imponderables involved.
asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department are already making use of the facilities of the Central Data Processing Service, Department of the Public Service, for computerised data processing in a number of fields. The possibilities of introducing or expanding computerisation are kept under review in consultation with the Department of the Public Service, who have a central role in computerisation. No specific proposals for extending the use of computers in the Department are on hands at present.
asked the Minister for Tourism and Transport if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department keep under constant review, in the light of developing technologies, and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service who have a central role in this field, the possibilities of introducing or expanding computerisation in the various services administered by the Department.
A new computer will shortly be installed in the Meteorological Service as part of a European network for improving weather forecasting techniques. In the civil aviation area, the Department are engaged in a programme of phased replacement of existing radar, navigational aids and communications equipment by more up-to-date similar equipment, much of which involves the use of computer and micro processor technology.
It is difficult to quantify potential cost savings because of the large number of imponderables involved but in each case the achievement of cost savings as well as the improvement of efficiency and quality of service are important factors in the decision to instal computer-based systems.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department keep under constant review, in the light of developing technologies and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service the possibilities of introducing or expanding computerisation. It is difficult to quantify potential cost savings because of the large number of imponderables involved. It would scarcely be conceivable that many of the complex administrative systems operated with the aid of computers could be maintained in any other way.
asked the Minister for Agriculture if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currenly carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department already have a computer installation and also avail of the Central Data Processing Services of the Department of the Public Service.
Consideration is being given to replacing the Department's existing computer installation with more up-to-date and efficient equipment and to expanding further the computerisation of the Department's work. Because of the large number of imponderables involved it is not possible, at this stage, to quantify potential cost savings but these of course are not the only benefits which can arise.
asked the Minister for Industry, Commerce and Energy if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department have not at present any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices to carry out routine tasks currently being carried out manually. It is difficult to assess the Department's needs five years ahead but my Department review regularly in consultation, where appropriate, with the Department of the Public Service the possibilities of introducing items of computer equipment.
asked the Minister for Defence if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
A computer has been in operation in my Department since 1968 and all payroll applications including the production of pensions warrants are now executed by computer.
My Department keep under constant review, in the light of developing technologies and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service, who have a central role in this field, the possibilities of expanding computerisation.
asked the Minister for Justice if he has any proposals to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
In consultation with the Department of the Public Service, who have a central role in this field, and with the Garda authorities in so far as they are concerned, my Department keep under constant review the possibilities, in the light of developing technologies, of expanding the computerisation which is already in operation in the Department and in a number of areas in the Garda Síochána, and of introducing computerisation in new areas.
It would hardly be conceivable that many of the systems operated with the aid of computers could be maintained in any other way and in view of this and of the other imponderables involved it would be impossible to quantify the potential cost savings. In each case where computerisation is contemplated, a feasibility study, which includes an assessment of economic viability, is carried out in advance in conjunction with the Department of the Public Service.
asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
An examination of the feasibility of computerising the ledger accounts for my Department commenced recently. This study is being undertaken in consultation with the Department of the Public Service, who, as the Deputy will be aware, have a central role in the field of computer technology in so far as Government Departments are concerned. The result of this examination will not be known for some time.
asked the Minister for the Environment if he has any proposals to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department keep under constant review, in the light of developing technologies and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service, who have a central role in this field, the possibilities of introducing or expanding computerisation. However, there are no proposals at present to introduce in my Department computers or electronic devices to deal with existing manual tasks.
asked the Minister for Labour if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
A study is being carried out at present within my Department into the feasibility of use of computers in the placement and information procedures of the National Manpower Service. The principal objective of introducing such a system would be to perform the matching of job seekers and vacancies in the most effective and expeditious manner in the interests of those seeking employment and of employers. The study will also examine the cost aspect. When the results of the study are available, I shall make a decision on the introduction of such a system.
asked the Minister for the Gaeltacht if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
Nil aon tairiscint mar sin agam.
asked the Minister for Education if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
The development of computerisation has been in progress in my Department over the past ten years.
In the light of developing technologies and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service, my Department keep under constant review the possibilities of expanding computerisation.
It is difficult to quantify potential cost savings because of the large number of imponderables involved. It is doubtful too whether some of the administrative tasks presently operated with the aid of a computer could be carried out in any other way.
asked the Minister for Economic Planning and Development if he has any proposal to introduce computers or other electronic devices in his Department over the next five years to carry out routine tasks currently carried out manually and if an estimate has been made of the likely cost savings which could result from computerisation.
My Department keep under constant review, in the light of developing technologies and in consultation with the Department of the Public Service, the possibilities of introducing or expanding computerisation. It is difficult to quantify potential cost savings because of the large number of imponderables involved. The Department of Economic Planning and Development have computer terminals linked to the Public Service Computer Centre.