asked the Minister for Health if he will indicate the capital sums to be spent on improving a hospital (details supplied) in 1979 and if he will further state the development plans in respect of that hospital and the timetable for the completion of these developments and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Hospital Improvement.
Under the plans for the development of hospitals in the South Eastern Health Board area, the hospital referred to by the Deputy will be extended and developed. The completed hospital will have 583 beds as against the present complement of 290 beds and will provide specialist medical and supporting services.
Project and design teams are at present planning the development and it is expected that tenders will be invited for stage one comprising 413 beds and the necessary ancilliary facilities towards the end of 1980. This work will be completed in four to five years. In the meantime, a number of interim improvements are being carried out at the existing hospital. These comprise extensions to the out-patient, ophthalmic and ear, nose and throat departments. I have set aside £200,000 to meet the cost of these extensions and for the planning of the new hospital during 1979.