asked the Minister for Social Welfare when pay-related benefit will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Meath.
Written Answers. - Meath Social Welfare Benefits.
The person concerned is not entitled to pay-related benefit in the current benefit year as the weekly flat-rate disability benefit in payment to him is greater than the amount of his reckonable weekly earnings, as supplied to my Department, in respect of the relevant income tax year, 1977-78.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare when disability benefit will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Meath.
The person concerned claimed disability benefit from 14 February to 24 February 1979 and from 7 March to 16 April 1979. Benefit was not paid on these claims as he had not the statutory minimum of 26 contributions paid or credited in 1977, the contribution year governing these claims. In that year he had only nine paid contributions to his credit.
He is however qualified for payment of benefit in respect of any claims which may arise in the current benefit year, which commenced on 3 June 1979, as he has a total of 30 paid contributions in the 1978 contribution year.