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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 31 Oct 1979

Vol. 316 No. 6

Written Answers. - Aid for Cambodia.


asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs if he will outline details of any steps taken to date at both national and EEC level to aid the starving people of Cambodia.

The Deputy will be aware of my reply to a similar question on the 24th of this month, when I set out the steps being taken at both the national and European Community levels in response to the present tragic situation in Cambodia.

Since then, following on the priority which the informal meeting of Foreign Ministers in Ashford Castle agreed to attach to further Community action on Cambodia, the Council of Ministers decided, at their meeting in Luxembourg yesterday, that $35 million would be made available immediately for relief measures. In addition to this further Community contribution, individual member states will also be considering how best they can develop their present support for the relief operation.
