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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Apr 1992

Vol. 418 No. 4

Written Answers. - EHB Orthodontic Service.

Liam Fitzgerald


155 Mr. L. Fitzgerald asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the fact that, (a) the orthodontic service in the Eastern Health Board is in a shambles (b) the board has no orthodontist employed and merely gives out contract work to private orthodontists and (c) parents of children on the waiting list are very frustrated because they cannot get a clear indication as to when their children will be treated; if the Eastern Health Board has any definite plans in train to develop an orthodontic service as a priority given the huge numbers on the waiting list; if he will give details of, (a) in the different age groups and (b) in the different categories of priority the number of people who are on the waiting list; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The provision and management of the orthodontic services in the Eastern Health Board is a matter for the board in the first instance.

The position is that significant improvements have been made by the Eastern Health Board in the level of orthodontic services provided by the board as a result of the additional moneys made available by the Government. Despite these improvements, the waiting lists for specialist orthodontic treatment are still at an unacceptable level.
The board have had difficulties in filling the post of consultant orthodontist. The board did appoint a full-time consultant orthodontist in May 1991 but she subsequently resigned her appointment. The board have arrangements with a number of consultant and specialist orthodontists for the provisions of services and have for a number of years had an arrangement with the Dublin Dental Hospital for the provision of consultant orthodontic services.
Joint appointments of consultant orthodontist between Dublin Dental Hospital and the Eastern Health Board were recently advertised.
I understand from the board that parents requesting information in regard to their childrens' treatment are fully advised as to the position and the likely date of treatment in so far as it is possible to do so.
I understand from the board that the following numbers are currently on the waiting list for specialist orthodontic treatment: Category I, 85; Category II, 4,622: Category III, 3,246.
The waiting list has not been completed on the basis of age groups and, accordingly, the board is not currently in a position to furnish this information.
The joint appointments to the Dublin Dental Hospital and the Eastern Health Board will have a significant impact on waiting lists. A primary role of the consultant orthodontists appointed will be to organise and carry out a programme of education and training in orthodontic procedures to specialist and sub-specialist level for health board dental staff and so make further improvements in service levels.