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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Mar 1980

Vol. 318 No. 9

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason a pension due to a person (details supplied) in County Cork has not been paid and when he will receive payment of same.

A non-contributory old age pension has not been paid to the person concerned as the social welfare officer appealed against the local pension committee's decision awarding him a pension at the maximum rate, including an adult dependant allowance, with effect from 3 November 1978 on the ground that his means exceed the statutory limit for entitlement to pension. The appeal will be referred to an appeals officer as soon as a copy of the deed of transfer of his farm is furnished.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying unemployment benefit to a person (details supplied) in County Kerry.

The reason for the delay in paying unemployment benefit in this case was that when the claim was made the person's social insurance card had not been lodged with the Department and inquiries had to be made to ascertain if the contribution conditions for entitlement had been satisfied. These inquiries have now been completed and arrangements have been made for the payment of the unemployment benefit due to the person concerned.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when the week's old age pension due at the time of her death to a pensioner (details supplied) in Dublin will be paid to her widower and if a death grant will be payable in this case in view of the fact that widows' and orphans' social welfare contributions were paid for many years.

A payable order for £5.10 covering the amount of non-contributory old age pension unpaid at the date of the pensioner's death has been issued to the widower. A death grant is not, however, payable to him as widows' and orphans' social insurance contributions are not reckonable for death grant purposes.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when a decision will be made in the case of an application (details supplied) in Dublin for transfer from long duration disability benefit to invalidity benefit.

The person concerned has been paid disability benefit in advance to 19 March 1980 and she has transferred to invalidity pension from 20 March 1980. She has been notified accordingly. The invalidity pension book has been issued to the designated post office for collection by her.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if unemployment benefit together with any arrears due will be paid to a person (details supplied) in Dublin.

Arrangements have now been made to pay all amounts of unemployment benefit due to the person concerned.
