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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Mar 1980

Vol. 318 No. 9

Written Answers. - State Aid to Agriculture.


asked the Minister for Agriculture if the EEC is at present engaged in seeking uniformity in the level and type of state aid to agriculture in member states, and if so, if he will outline (a) the restrictions already applied on member states and (b) the types of state aid not yet subject to any restriction.

The rules governing state aids are laid down in Articles 92 to 94 of the Treaty of Rome. The determination of whether a particular state aid is compatible with the Common Market is a function of the Commission and where a member state fails to comply with a decision of the Commission, the matter may be referred to the Court of Justice.

With a view to harmonising state aids to agriculture throughout the Community, the Commission, in association with member states, is at present carrying out a review of all such aids. However, the review has not reached the point where it would be possible to say precisely what particular aids would be affected.
