asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will name the specific district electoral divisions in (a) Tipperary North Riding and (b) Tipperary South Riding that have now been included in the adjustments to existing boundaries of disadvantaged areas in respect of Slieve Felim.
Written Answers. - County Tipperary Disadvantaged Areas.
The district electoral divisions in question in County Tipperary (North Riding) are Abington, Dolla, Killoscully, Kilnarath, Lackagh and Templederry in the Nenagh Rural District and the District Electoral Divisions of Foilnaman and Upperchurch in the Thurles Rural District, while in County Tipperary South Riding the District Electoral Divisions affected are Curraheen and Glengar in the Tipperary No. 1 Rural District.
asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will outline the precise entitlements and advantages due to the farmers of the Slieve Felim area, consequential on that area now being partly classified as a disadvantaged area.
The following is an outline of the aids which apply in the Slieve Felim area consequent on its designation as a disadvantaged area in the more severely handicapped category:
(i) Compensatory Allowance (cattle) Cattle Headage Payments* — 1980 rates
— £32 on each of the first 8 livestock units of cattle
— £28 on each livestock unit of cattle in excess of 8 up to a maximum of 30
Dairy cows up to a maximum of 10 are included and qualify for 80% of above grants
Maximum payment per farm £872.
(ii) Compensatory Allowance (Sheep)*
— 1980 rates
— on mountain hogget ewes, £5 each
— on other hogget ewes, £4.50 each
— on mountain lambs, £4 each
*Payment, which is further limited, to £18 per forage acre devoted to the grazing of cattle and sheep, is made to applicants who occupy and farm 7½ acres in designated Disadvantaged Areas and undertake to do so for five years.
(iii) Capital Grants for Development Farmers only
(a) Increases:
— for farm buildings, an extra 10%%
- for land improvements, an extra 5%
(b) New:
- 40% for tourist and craft industry projects
(iv) Joint Investment Schemes:
Capital grants of
— 30% for specialised forage machinery and fixed installations for fodder production
— 60% for improvement of mountain grazing land
— 50% for the improvement of other lands farmed jointly.