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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 2 Dec 1981

Vol. 331 No. 5

Written Answers. - Planning Appeals.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he is aware of the excessive delays taking place on the part of An Bord Pleanála in giving decisions on pending planning appeals and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I am concerned that appeals to An Bord Pleanála should be dealt with as expeditiously as possible. I have so advised the board and have asked that procedures be reviewed to that end.

The most recent analysis suggests that there is some reduction in the time taken to deal with appeals so far in the current year as compared with 1980.

The board have pointed out that the time taken in dealing with appeals can be affected in a major way by procedures, and by factors outside their control, such as delays in submitting grounds of appeal, requests that appeals be held in abeyance, awaiting documents from local authorities, circulation of documents, new issues arising and, in some cases, inadequate plans submitted with original planning applications.
