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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 24 Jun 1982

Vol. 336 No. 7

Written Answers. - Assistance for Disabled.


asked the Minister for the Environment the present position in regard to each of the matters referred to by him in the reply to a parliamentary question of 10 March 1981 as being undertaken at that time to mark the International Year of the Disabled to assist persons with each of the following handicaps (a) impairment of limbs, (b) deafness, (c) speech impairment, (d) blindness and (e) mental handicap; if he will state in each instance where a matter was then being referred to a committee if the committee have reported thereon; and the action taken on their report.

The present position in regard to the matters referred to by me in reply to a parliamentary question on 10 March 1981 as being undertaken at that time to mark the International Year of Disabled Persons is as follows. The requests which I made to local authorities to have regard to the needs of and facilitate the disabled in relation to access to and circulation within buildings and their use of roads and footpaths relate to works of an on-going nature.

I understand that the entries for the "Design Award Scheme" relating to public and private buildings, which was held under the auspices of the National Rehabilitation Board have been assessed and that the awards will be announced soon. An official of my Department served on the jury of assessors for the scheme.

The Irish Water Safety Association are continuing in their programme of activities to pay special attention to the needs of the handicapped.

With regard to employment of the disabled I declared on 25 June 1981 special qualifications for offices of clerical officer, clerk typist and clerical assistant in local authorities. These offices are confined to candidates who are registered with the National Rehabilitation Board and are assessed by that board as handicapped. Local authorities are empowered to create such offices and to appoint qualified candidates thereto on the basis of a competition. I understand that some local authorities have held such competitions and others are in the process of doing so. Since March 1981 my Department have taken on ten clerical assistants and one service attendant who are disabled.
