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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 15 Jul 1982

Vol. 337 No. 11

Written Answers. - Whiddy Island Oil Terminal.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he will outline the up-to-date position in negotiations in respect of the Oil Terminal at Whiddy Island arising out of his recent statement that the Government are seeking a partner to join the State in the purchase of the terminal; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

As I have previously stated in the House on 27 May 1982, Gulf Oil, who are owners of the Whiddy terminal, are most anxious to resolve the situation whereby it has been non-operational since January 1979 and have been giving consideration to the future role of the terminal including the possibilities for a resumption of commercial operations. I have had discussions with the company with a view to assisting in their exploration of a number of options and I have made a number of inquiries, on an international level, with a view to discerning whether there is any interest among those contacted in becoming involved in operations at the terminal. It is as yet too early to predict whether any of these contacts will yield positive results.

In relation to the question of possible State involvement in a purchase of the terminal, I must stress that this is only one of a number of scenarios within which the future of the terminal could be viewed, and that further examinations and assessment of other options is proceeding. I would also emphasise that any question of State involvement would have to be very carefully considered on its economic implications.
