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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Nov 1982

Vol. 338 No. 5

Ceisteanna—Questions. Written Answers. - Kinsale Gas.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the percentage of Kinsale gas which is effectively utilised (a) in the generation of electricity (b) the manufacture of nitrogenous fertiliser and (c) as domestic and industrial fuel.

Bord Gáis Éireann presently distribute 191 million cubic feet of natural gas from the Kinsale Head Field each day.

According to BGE the consumption of the gas is as follows: (a) 71 per cent of this is consumed by the ESB for electricity generation; about one-third of this is additional gas made available for 1981 and 1982, on an ad hoc basis mutually beneficial to BGE and ESB; (b) 27 per cent is consumed by NET for the manufacture of nitrogeneous fertiliser and (c) 2 per cent is consumed by the commercial and domestic sector in the Cork area.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he proposes to arrange for a spur to be taken off the Dublin to Belfast natural gas pipeline to serve industries in the Border area.

It is my intention that the design of the pipeline will include provision for offtakes at a number of points. Since supplies of natural gas are limited, it would be necessary to give priority to supplying premium markets where it is economical to do so.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy if he will make a statement on the agreement which he reached with the Minister in Northern Ireland responsible for the supply of natural gas to Northern Ireland; the price agreed; the annual off-take to be allocated; the route to be taken; whether the route is to be overland, underground or under sea for any part of the route; if he will make available to the Members of the House the agreement reached.

It was agreed in Belfast on 29 May that the agreement reached between Minister Adam Butler and myself would be recommended by us to our respective Governments.

This question has been considered by the Irish Government. I have yet to be informed of the British decision on the matter and I feel that in the circumstances any statement should be made on a joint basis and taking into account both Governments' decisions. I will make a detailed statement as soon as it is possible to proceed on this basis.


asked the Minister for Industry and Energy the participation intended by him in Alliance and Dublin Gas Co. Ltd. in view of the decision to supply natural gas to that company at the end of the year, and in view of the extensive State investment in this project; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Contractual arrangement between BGE and Dublin Gas for the supply of natural gas are at a very advanced stage of negotiation. These arrangements would enable the State to have a participation in the shareholding of Dublin Gas. The Board of Dublin Gas will be putting before their stockholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting the question of State participation in the company and other aspects of the contractual arrangements including the financing of the company's conversion and market development programmes and the structural changes necessary to carry these through.

It would be premature to say anything further until contractual arrangements have been finalised and the stockholders of Dublin Gas have had a chance to consider the matter.
