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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Apr 1983

Vol. 341 No. 6

Written Answers . - Telephone Service .


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a public telephone kiosk will be re-erected in Cor-of in Village, County Clare, as the village has no public telephone when the local post office is closed.

: The kiosk will be re-erected as soon as possible after the necessary consents for a suitable alternative site have been received.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he is aware of the unsatisfactory telephone service in Sneem, County Kerry, due to the fact that outside conversations can be heard and interfere with local calls; if he will have this situation rectified; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

: A new cable between Sneem and Kenmare was provided in the last quarter of 1982. The line was affected by bad weather in February and damage by lightning accounted for overhearing on calls. This has since been repaired and the service is now satisfactory. Further improvements may be expected when maintenance work now in progress is completed.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if he will make a statement on the reason a telephone service is not being provided for the residents of the Black Valley, Beaufort PO, Killarney, County Kerry; and the average cost of a connection to a householder in the area.

: Telephone service was offered last year to all applicants in the Black Valley area of County Kerry. None of the applicants accepted the offer.

Because of the distances involved, the nature of the terrain and the scenic character of the area provision of telephone service by normal means, that is, by way of overhead linework is not considered feasible.

Telephone service could be provided by way of microwave links at a capital cost in the region of £75,000 to £100,000 depending on the number of applicants accepting service.

Because of the very heavy capital costs the rental chargeable to each applicant would be higher than normal and would be of the order of £150 a quarter. In order to ensure some degree of return on the capital expended each applicant would be required to make advance payment equivalent to seven years' rental at current rates together with a connection charge. The average advance payment required from each applicant would be about £4,400.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when extra telephone lines will be provided for a firm (details supplied) in Dublin 6 as it is very difficult to carry on its business without extra lines.

: Additional telephone lines will be provided for the firm named as soon as possible but it is unlikely that the necessary engineering work will be completed before the end of this year.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a telephone service will be provided for a person (details supplied) in County Dublin who applied three years ago and who is an old age pensioner.

: It has not been possible to trace an application on behalf of the person named. If the Deputy can furnish additional information about the application, for example, when and where the application was made, further efforts will be made to trace it.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the reason a person (details supplied) in Dublin 6 whose telephone has been out of order, on and off, on alternate weeks for a year, has not been able to have the fault satisfactorily attended to by his Department in spite of numerous representations; and if he will have the matter attended to urgently.

: There has been a number of intermittent faults on the subscriber's line for some time.

These were corrected as they arose and service is now operating satisfactorily.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs if and when a telephone service will be provided as a matter of urgency for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12 as she is an old age pensioner living alone.

: Service will be provided as soon as possible for the person named but it is unlikely that the necessary engineering work can be completed before the latter part of this year.

It had been expected that the work to enable service to be provided would be completed earlier. Regrettably this is not possible because of the need to divert staff to other urgent work.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a telephone kiosk which has been authorised for the past two years will be erected at Kiltulla, Athenry, County Galway.

: A kiosk will be provided at Kiltulla, Athenry, as soon as possible after the necessary engineering work in the area has been completed.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when an automatic telephone service will be provided at Kiltulla post office, Athenry, County Galway; and if a night service will be provided for Kiltulla subscribers in the meantime.

: It is expected that automatic telephone service will be provided at Kiltulla next year. Night service is provided for about 40 per cent of Kiltulla subscribers on a shared service basis over trunk circuits to Athenry and Galway exchanges. This facility cannot be extended to further applicants at present. It is expected that a new trunk cable between Kiltulla and Athenry will be brought into service later this year and the possibility of providing night service for additional subscribers by using circuits in this cable will be considered.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the date on which the telephone exchange at Athenry, County Galway, will become automated.

: I refer the Deputy to the answer to Question No. 569 of 22 March 1983.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a public telephone will be provided for the residents of Whitechurch Estate, Ballyboden, County Dublin.

: My Department is at present surveying the general area including Whitechurch Estate with a view to establishing the need for additional public telephones. When the results of the survey are available I will communicate with the Deputy.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when telephone service will be connected for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 4 having regard to the fact that it was first applied for in 1979, that the person is now due for early retirement, lives alone and needs service; and if he will explain the inordinate delay in the matter.

: Telephone service will be provided for the person named as soon as possible but it is unlikely that the necessary engineering work can be completed before the latter end of this year.

The cable pair which formerly served the address was utilised for other purposes before an application for service was received from the person named.


asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when telephone service will be repaired for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12.

asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when telephone service will be restored for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12 as his telephone has been out of order as the result of a telegraph pole outside his house being knocked down.
