asked the Minister for Health the provisions now in operation to provide children in need of special shoes with the appropriate fittings; the waiting period that is typical between ordering such shoes and receiving them; whether he is satisfied with this aspect of the health services; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Provision of Special Shoes.
Children who are dependants of medical card holders, who are eligible under the long term illness scheme or whose needs are ascertained by examination under the child health service, are supplied with special shoes free of charge, where prescribed. Health boards supply surgical shoes, corrective shoes or surgical fittings to be worn in ordinary shoes, as appropriate. Arrangements are made with the appropriate suppliers to attend local centres on a regular basis for fittings to be taken. The shoes are generally supplied within six weeks. In view of the fact that these shoes must be made to individual specifications the length of time involved in supplying them is not unreasonable.