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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 23 Jun 1983

Vol. 344 No. 1

Written Answers. - Rates Statistics.


asked the Minister for Finance the total rateable valuation of property in each of the following categories in 1982: domestic residences; private office property; industrial premises; other commercial premises; agricultural land; agricultural buildings; property of public authorities, chargeable for rates; property of public authorities, exempt from rates; and other categories of exempted property.


asked the Minister for Finance the actual revenue collected in rates directly from the tax paying population in 1982.

I propose to take questions Nos. 644 and 645 together.

I am informed by the Commissioner of Valuation that separate figures of total valuation of each of the categories mentioned are not available as such statistics are not compiled by that office for any official purpose. The compilation of the information required by the Deputy would require a disproportionate amount of staff time to extract it from the records.

Items in the valuation list are valued under the headings of land, buildings and other hereditaments, for example, easements, turbaries and so on. The total rateable valuation of all hereditaments under these headings as at 1 December 1982 was: Land — £6,918,389.50; Buildings — £17,244,121.35; Others — £292,090.20; Total — £24,454,601.05.

The amount of revenue collected from ratepayers in 1982 was £92,979,328.00. As the Revenue Commissioners do not keep statistics whereby ratepayers could be identified, I cannot say how much of this amount was collected from taxpayers.
