asked the Minister for the Environment if he has any proposals to provide sewerage facilities in small rural villages.
Vol. 344 No. 9
asked the Minister for the Environment if he has any proposals to provide sewerage facilities in small rural villages.
asked the Minister for the Environment if funds are available from the EEC Regional Fund to enable small rural village sewerage schemes to be completed; and if any application has been submitted to enable such schemes to be undertaken.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 288 and 289 together.
The various proposals before my Department in relation to public sewerage schemes would of course, include, schemes for the provision or improvement of such services in rural villages. The question of approval of particular schemes must be considered in the context of the overall capital resources available for sanitary services and the need to provide adequate funds for schemes already fully approved — including for example the sewerage schemes to serve the villages of Quin and Kilfenora in County Clare, on which work has started in 1983, and for which loans totalling £913,000 have been sanctioned.
Expenditure on village sewerage schemes ranks for grant assistance to the Exchequer from the European Regional Development Fund and the relevant projects may be incorporated in grant applications for such assistance.