asked the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry if he will state arising out of the reply to Parliamentary Question No. 482: (a) whether full discussions have taken place with the Galway and Aran fishermen as to what their requirements may be in regard to the future development of the harbour at Rosabhil; (b) if any application will be made for special EEC aid for this project; and (c) if he is aware of the urgent need to develop the harbour, in view of the fact that during the past 12 months six modern trawlers have been added to the fleet in Galway and Aran.
Written Answers. - Galway Harbour Works.
The Galway and Aran Fishermen's Association and the Galway and Aran Fishermen's Co-operative Society Limited were both represented on the Roasbhil Harbour Development Advisory Committee set up by the Minister for Fisheries and Forestry to recommend for his consideration appropriate works in order of priority for the development of Rosabhil as a fishery harbour centre. Their views and recommendations were included in the committee's report.
An application for EEC aid under the European Regional Development Fund will be made in due course in respect of the development of this harbour.
I am aware of the need for the further development of this harbour and I can assure the Deputy that my Department are taking the necessary steps to ensure that this development will commence as soon as practicable.