asked the Minister for Justice the measures he has taken to restore the Garda strength to normal in Monasterevin and other stations in County Kildare.
Vol. 344 No. 9
asked the Minister for Justice the measures he has taken to restore the Garda strength to normal in Monasterevin and other stations in County Kildare.
asked the Minister for Justice if he has plans to increase Garda strength in some stations in County Kildare, having particular regard to the increase in the crime rate in the county.
Limerick East): I propose to take Questions Nos. 41 and 42 together.
The position is that the detailed deployment of Garda manpower is a matter for the Garda authorities and the strength assigned to the various stations is reviewed from time to time to take account of changing needs and circumstances.
I am informed by the authorities that vacancies for gardaí at Monasterevin, Kill and Rathangan stations were filled recently. A sergeant was appointed to Robertstown station on 1 June and arrangements are being made to fill a vacancy for an inspector at Kildare station which arose last month.
Six newly-trained gardaí have taken up duty at the Divisional Headquarters at Naas in recent weeks, bringing to 32 the overall increase in Garda manpower at stations in County Kildare since 31 December 1980. The question of further increases in strength for the area will be considered according as the additional manpower now in training and being recruited becomes available for assignment.