asked the Minister for Finance if his attention was drawn to a recent comment by the Irish Association of Professional Archaeologists that many archaeological sites have been destroyed without any record or detailed investigation being made of them, and that the rate of destruction is accelerating; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Archaeological Sites.
Mr. Leonard
The Commissioners of Public Works who have statutory responsibility for the protection of national monuments are very concerned at the level of destruction of archaeological sites which has been revealed by their own national archaeological survey and by a number of recent regional surveys which they are funding. This data was available to the Annual General Meeting of the Irish Association of Professional Archaeologists held in Ballinasloe from 22 to 24 April 1983 and the Deputy is presumably referring to related statements made by the association arising from that meeting.
A key element in the commissioners' strategy to protect our heritage of monuments and sites is the compilation and publication of sites and monuments inventories on a county by county basis. Work on these inventories is progressing satisfactorily and it is hoped to publish two counties next year. In addition to their own survey work the commissioners are funding archaeological surveys of Counties Cork and Galway and the Dingle Peninsula. I am confident that these measures will go some way towards halting the destruction of monuments and sites which is at present taking place.
Following their annual general meeting the Irish Association of Professional Archaeologists sent me a number of recommendations regarding the Archaeological Survey of Ireland and these are being examined at present.