asked the Minister for Justice if he will arrange to have a Garda sergeant appointed to Ballyragget village, County Kilkenny, where vandalism is on the increase.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Garda Appointments.
(Limerick East): The detailed deployment of members of the Force is a matter primarily for the Garda authorities. They have informed me that, having regard to overall resources and other demands on Garda services, they are not at present in a position to allocate a sergeant to Ballyragget station but that the matter will be kept under review.
asked the Minister for Justice if his Department will provide extra gardaí and a patrol car for Ballybunion, County Kerry, from June to September, in view of the fact that it is a very busy holiday resort; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
(Limerick East): The detailed deployment of Garda resources is a matter for the Garda authorities who report that arrangements have been made to meet any increased demands on Garda services at Ballybunion during the summer season. An additional sergeant and three extra gardaí were recently assigned to Ballybunion station on a temporary basis and another extra Garda will be allocated there shortly. The authorities also report that a patrol car was made available to Ballybunion on 2 July for the duration of the summer season.
Will the Minister confirm that a number of serious crimes took place in this area recently? Will the Minister give the House an assurance that the Task Force support will be maintained in this area?
(Limerick East): I do not have any information that suggests that there is an outbreak of serious crime in the area. It is normal in seaside resorts to substantially increase the Garda strength in the summer season and at the end of the season the extra gardaí return to their own stations. That has been the practice for many years and I am sure Deputy Foley who tabled the question is aware of that.
Was this matter raised yesterday?
The reason I asked my supplementary was that a number of serious crimes were mentioned yesterday by Deputy McEllistrim.
(Limerick East): Yesterday another Kerry Deputy asked why the patrol car had left Castleisland to go to Ballybunion and I am being asked today why there is not a patrol car in Ballybunion in July.
The Minister should have taken those two questions together instead of the other six.
(Limerick East): With regard to Garda strength I should like to tell the House that on 1 June there was one sergeant and three gardaí in Ballybunion and on 1 July there were two sergeants and six gardaí.