asked the Minister for Education the present position regarding the application by the Dominican Sisters for funding for the construction of a special school at Cabra, Dublin 7, for those whose hearing is impaired.
Vol. 344 No. 9
asked the Minister for Education the present position regarding the application by the Dominican Sisters for funding for the construction of a special school at Cabra, Dublin 7, for those whose hearing is impaired.
asked the Minister for Education if she is aware of the extremely urgent need for a new school for multi-handicapped children; and the present position regarding the longstanding proposals and approval for such a school at the Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin.
asked the Minister for Education is she will ensure that the building of a new school for multi-handicapped children at the Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin 7 will commence in 1983.
asked the Minister for Education when a new school will be built as promised for the multi-handicapped at Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin 7.
asked the Minister for Education when work will commence on the construction of a new school for multi-handicapped children at the instance of the Dominican Sisters, Cabra, Dublin 7.
asked the Minister for Education when a new school will be built as promised for the multi-handicapped at the Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin 7.
asked the Minister for Education the up-to-date position in relation to the provision of a new school (details supplied) in Dublin.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 128 to 134, inclusive, together.
My Department have sanctioned a grant towards the cost of the proposed school at the Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin, for hearing-impaired children with additional handicaps and the working drawings have been completed.
A report has now been received from the Commissioners of Public Works — received 5 July 1983 — on the question of allowing the school project to proceed to invitation of tenders independently of the proposed residential units, which are not grant-aided by my Department.
This report submitted with revised site drawings and a related cost plan prepared by the chairman's consultants is under consideration at present and a decision will be conveyed to the chairman as quickly as possible.