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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Dec 1983

Vol. 346 No. 6

Written Answers. - Portobello (Dublin) Traffic Problem.


asked the Minister for Justice if he will take steps to improve the appalling traffic situation which prevails in the Portobello district of Dublin which is caused by indiscriminate parking of heavy vehicles by non-residents; and the action he will take to improve the situation for the residents living there.

Limerick East): The Deputy will appreciate that I have no function in relation to parking restrictions.

I am informed by the Garda authorities that enforcement of the road traffic laws in the area is receiving the constant attention of both gardaí and traffic wardens. In the six months period to 30 November 1983, 1,014 parking tickets were issued.

The Garda authorities appreciate the difficulties caused to residents by the number of vehicles using the district and have indicated that they will continue to do all they can within the resources available to them to prevent illegal parking and other breaches of the road traffic laws in the area.
