asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism if he will make available to the House a list of the industrial projects which have been already refused by the IDA over the past three years based on feasability studies etc. outlining the reasons for the refusal in each case; and if he will consider the publication of such a list so as to avoid useless research by young entrepreneurs in product identification.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Written Answers. - Refusal of Projects by IDA.
I am informed that it is not the policy of the IDA to publish information in regard to projects based on feasibility studies which have been refused grant-aid.
It is, however, the practice of the IDA to discuss in detail proposals for feasibility study grants with each promoter concerned. Every effort is made to ensure that entrepreneurs do not undertake research in an area which has already been examined and found to lack potential.
In the circumstances I do not consider that the publication of the type of list sought by the Deputy is warranted.