asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism the amount of training grants and the number of people covered by training grants at a firm (details supplied) since it commenced production at Kilkenny.
Vol. 350 No. 9
asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism the amount of training grants and the number of people covered by training grants at a firm (details supplied) since it commenced production at Kilkenny.
asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism if he has any proposals for the utilisation of the vacant part of the Fieldcrest premises in Kilkenny.
asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism the present position regarding the 220,000 sq. ft. of factory space at Fieldcrest, Kilkenny; and if a firm (details supplied) have taken up their option to utilise a further portion of floor area.
asked the Minister for Industry, Trade, Commerce and Tourism the details of all the grants paid to a firm (details supplied) in County Kilkenny to date.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 501 to 504, inclusive, together.
The information sought in relation to grants is confidential until published in the IDA's annual report. The IDA's annual report for 1983 will be published shortly.
The option to take up further floor space has not been exercised by the firm in question. As to the remaining space, the IDA are continuing to promote this with a view to attracting industrial projects at this location. They are engaged in discussions with a number of promoters, who have expressed interest in establishing projects there.