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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 21 Nov 1985

Vol. 361 No. 13

Written Answers. - Work Permit.


asked the Minister for Labour when a permanent work permit will be granted to a person (details supplied) in Dublin 2.

The work permit system is designed to safeguard the employment rights of Irish and EC nationals. A permit is issued only where there is no Irish or EC national with the necessary skills available for the particular position.

In the case referred to by the Deputy, a work permit was granted and renewed during the period June 1982 to December 1984 to facilitate the setting up of the business in question. The permit was extended on condition that an Irish or EC national would be recruited and trained for the position which is that of a buyer in a retail clothing company.

The firm was advised in January 1985 that a further extension would not be considered and was likewise informed in April 1985. The reasons for the refusal centred on the availability of Irish and EC nationals with adequate experience and qualifications to fill the post.
