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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Mar 1986

Vol. 364 No. 9

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Buy Irish Campaign.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce in view of the massive unemployment figures recently published, if he will now examine, with the EC partners, the possibility of temporarily opting out of our obligations not to encourage, as a matter of Government policy, the buying of Irish manufactured or produced goods.

There is a general consensus in Europe that the optimum potential for trade between Community member countries has not yet been fully realised and that the freeing of the Community's own internal market from all obstacles and barriers, which should create significant potential for Irish industry, exports and employment, should be addressed as a priority issue. Lack of progress in completing the internal market of the Community compared with the "Own Markets" of the USA or Japan is one of the main reasons put forward why Europe has lagged behind these other major economies in the creation of new industry, jobs and wealth in recent years.

Given that Ireland has the highest dependency rate of any EC country on exports to the Community, it is very much in our interest that we should not take any action or set a headline which could lead others to hamper our exports.

In any case, the European Court of Justice ruled in November 1982 that involvement by the Government or any of their State or semi-State agencies in the promotion of "Buy Irish" type campaigns is inconsistent with our obligations under the Treaty of Rome. That judgment rules out a State supported "Buy Irish" campaign and, while I share the Deputy's concern about the unemployment situation, I do not consider, having regard to all the circumstances, that it would be in the national interest to seek a temporary derogation from our obligations under the Treaty of Rome in order to facilitate Government support for a "Buy Irish" campaign. Indeed, I am satisfied that such application would not command support among our EC partners.
