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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 May 1986

Vol. 366 No. 8

Written Answers. - ESF Grant.


asked the Minister for Labour the amount of funds made available to a community organisation (details supplied) in Dublin 17 granted recently through the ESF; the criteria for eligibility to these funds; the stated purpose for which the moneys are to be used; and the agencies through which these moneys are being paid.

No grant from the European Social Fund has been paid to or approved for the organisation concerned. I understand, however, that grants totalling £9,889 have been paid by the Youth Employment Agency towards the costs of employing an enterprise worker for the organisation. My Department has received an application from the organisation under the social employment scheme for a project to provide work for 13 long term unemployed people. The application is at present under examination.
