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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 17 Jun 1986

Vol. 368 No. 1

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in the payment of unemployment benefit to a person (details supplied) in County Waterford.

Entitlement to unemployment benefit is subject to the condition that a claimant must be available for and genuinely seeking work. The person concerned claimed unemployment benefit from 19 March 1986 but inquiries had to be made to ascertain the reason she ceased to be employed and whether she satisfied the condition of being available for and genuinely seeking work. These inquiries will be completed as soon as possible and her entitlement to unemployment benefit will then be determined in the light of the outcome of the inquiries.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the failure to issue a free travel pass to a person (details supplied) in County Limerick in spite of her entitlement to this facility; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

Free Travel passes are issued automatically to persons who are awarded a qualifying pension from the Department. The person concerned is not in receipt of a qualifying pension and must therefore apply to the Department for a pass. There is no record of receipt of any correspondence from her in the matter. In the circumstances, however, a free travel pass has now been issued to her.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if she will arrange for an early appeal in relation to disability benefit to be heard for a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.

The person concerned was paid disability benefit 19 April 1986 after which date payment was disallowed following an examination by a medical referee who considered him to be capable to work. He appealed against the disallowance and was again examined by a different medical referee on 6 June 1986 who also expressed the opinion that he was capable of work.

He was informed of the result of this examination and was supplied with a form on which to set out the grounds for appeal should he wish to have his case referred to an appeals officer for determination. His case will be reviewed on receipt of this form.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when unemployment assistance will be restored to a person (details supplies) in County Kerry on appeal, in view of the fact that he is in very poor financial circumstances and is married with two children and resides in a mobile home.

Following a review of the unemployment assistance claim of the person concerned his claim was disallowed on the grounds that, by failing to furnish particulars of his means, he failed to show that his means did not exceed the statutory limit.

He appealed against the disallowance of his claim, and arising from contentions raised by him in support of his appeal, the papers were returned to the social welfare officer for further inquiries. These inquiries will be completed as soon as possible and his case will then be submitted to an appeals officer for determination at the earliest available opportunity.

The entitlement of the person concerned to unemployment assistance will be determined in the light of the outcome of the appeal. In the meantime, if the means of the person concerned are insufficient to meet his needs it is open to him to claim supplementary welfare allowance from the Health Board by contacting his local community welfare officer.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when payment of disability benefit will resume to a person (details supplied) in County Galway.

Payment of disability benefit to the person concerned was withheld pending confirmation of his continuing entitlement to that benefit. Payment will resume on receipt of medical certificate from the claimant. Areas in respect of the period since payment was stopped will be restored when confirmation of details of any supplementary welfare allowance that may have been advanced to him by the Western Health Board from 1 April 1986 to date are received in the Department.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare when an appeal was received on behalf of a person (details supplied) in County Galway; the present position of the appeal; and when a decision is likely to be made.

Following a review of the unemployment assistance claim of the person concerned he was assessed with means of £21.15 weekly, derived from the profit from his holding. He is, accordingly, in receipt of unemployment assistance of £12.65, being the appropriate maximum weekly rate payable in his case of £33.80 less means of £21.15.

There is no record of an appeal by the person concerned against the means assessment. However, arrangements have been made with his local office to issue an appeal form to him. When he returns the completed form to his local office his case will be submitted to an appeals officer for determination at the earliest available opportunity. His entitlement to unemployment assistance will then be reviewed in the light of the outcome of the appeal.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare the date on which an appeal was made by a person (details supplied) in County Galway; the present position in relation to the appeal; and when a decision will be made on the matter.

Following investigation of the unemployment assistance claim of the person concerned in September 1985 his claim was disallowed on the grounds that, by failing to furnish particulars of his means, he failed to show that his means did not exceed the statutory limit. He appealed against the disallowance in December 1985 and, arising from contentions raised by him in support of his appeal, his papers were returned to the social welfare officer for further inquiries.

When the inquiries were completed, his case was submitted to an appeals officer for determination. An oral hearing of his case is being arranged and the person concerned will be informed of these arrangements as soon as possible. His entitlement to unemployment assistance will be determined in the light of the outcome of the appeal.
