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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 1 Jul 1986

Vol. 368 No. 8

Written Answers. - Garda Recruitment Competition.


asked the Minister for Justice if he will state, in relation to the last competition for entry to the Garda Síochána: (a) the total number of candidates who passed the examination, (b) the total number now called to training, (c) if successful candidates were called in strict rotation, (d) the lowest place numbered candidate at present in training; (e) the number refused entry to training for (i) medical reasons or (ii) other reasons (f) the number of successful candidates not yet called for training, (g) the length of time he proposes to keep the present panel and (h) if candidates not refused entry for medical or for other reasons, but whose place in examination is higher than some called for training will be called shortly; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The tabular statement hereunder sets out most of the particulars sought by the Deputy in relation to the last competition for entry to the Garda Síochána.

The position about the other particulars sought is as follows:

Candidates who qualified at the competitive interview conducted by the Civil Service Commissioners in the last recruitment competition were placed in order of merit by the commissioners and considered for appointment in that order. Candidates who are successful at the medical examination and, where appropriate, oral Irish test, and who are otherwise suitable, are offered appointment in that order. Recruitment is continuing but a decision has not yet been taken as to precisely how many more of those who qualified in the last recruitment competition will be offered appointments. This will depend mainly on when the next recruitment competition is held. I hope to be in a position shortly to announce details of the new recruitment competition which is planned to be held later this year. It is not clear what category of candidate the Deputy is referring to at (h) of the question. As already indicated, qualified candidates are considered for and offered appointment in order of merit. It could happen, however, that the timing of a candidate's appointment could be affected by the need to undergo a second medical examination, or at times a candidates call-up might be deferred at his own request.

1983 Garda Recruitment Competition.



No. who passed qualifying examination



(No. exempted from qualifying exam by virtue of their Leaving Certificate result)



No. successful at interview



No. called to training to-date



Lowest placed candidate at present in training



No. rejected for

(i) Medical reasons



(ii) Other reasons



No. remaining on panel


