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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Dec 1986

Vol. 370 No. 9

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Tourism Revenue.


asked the Minister for Tourism, Fisheries and Forestry if, given that total overseas tourism revenue in 1986 is estimated to be down 6 per cent on 1985, with a decline of 4 per cent in total visitor numbers, he considers that this poses a very serious problem for the industry; and if he will make a statement on his plans to deal with the crisis in the sector.

While the figures quoted by the Deputy are correct, I do not accept that there is a crisis in the sector. As the House is aware, the overall decline in overseas visitor numbers and revenue in 1986 is due to exceptional factors outside our control which seriously restricted the level of North American traffic to Europe. These factors resulted in a 20 per cent decline in visitor numbers to Ireland from the North American market but notwithstanding our overall tourism performance was up on 1984 which was itself a good year.

The 1987 promotional and marketing campaign will seek not only to recover the ground lost in the North American market this year but to achieve real growth in all our main markets. The campaign will focus on exploiting the recent favourable developments in relation to access transport services. In particular a major sales drive involving Bord Fáilte, the carriers and the various other sectors of the industry will be launched next February in the British market to ensure that the attraction of Ireland and the new lower air and sea fares are fully promoted.

Would the Minister agree that apart from the exceptional factors which arose this year in the tourism industry, that it was a disappointing year?

In so far as the major drop in the American market was concerned, it was minimised to an extent due to a very early joint Bord Fáilte-industrial promotion drive to America. While we regret the drop in the American trade, we have fared much better than our other European competitors in this regard.

I am pleased to hear the Minister confirm that the tourism industry is in the doldrums. The Minister said he would have a marketing initiative next year. Do I take it that the Minister is confirming now that the £3 million extra marketing revenue being sought by Bord Fáilte will be made available in next year's Estimate?

As the budgetary figures are currenly under examination I am not in a position to indicate to the Deputy the provision for tourism.

Will the Minister indicate how he proposes funding the marketing initiative he referred to in his first reply?

Because of the importance of the tourism industry and the importance the Government attach to it, I am quite confident that in the budgetary discussions full regard will be given to the importance of the promotional marketing sector of Bord Fáilte and its costs.

I ask one final supplementary?

There are two more questions to be dealt with.

Let me ask one on this question. The Minister uses the White Paper on Tourism as the major motivator for the industry. Will the Minister tell us if the interdepartmental policy co-ordinating committee which he set up to develop co-operation between Government agencies met and how many times have they met? Can we expect any recommendations from them in the immediate future?

As the nature of the Deputy's supplementary was not contained in the original question I am not in receipt of the details but I will say the interdepartmental committee are meeting monthly.
