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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 9 Dec 1986

Vol. 370 No. 9

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - White Paper on Tourism.


asked the Minister for Tourism, Fisheries and Forestry given the importance attached by the White Paper on Tourism to the environment as a tourism asset, if he will state the level of progress to date on moves towards environmental management and the preservation and development of amenities; in this context, if he is concerned at the threats of pollution to the vital tourism industry of the south west; and if he will make a statement on his plans to protect tourism in the south west from this menace.

There has been considerable progress on the implementation of the environmental initiatives mentioned in the White Paper on Tourism. While my Department do not have primary responsibility in relation to environmental matters, they liaise very closely with other Departments and Bord Fáilte on relevant issues in view of the vital importance of the environment to tourism.

The Deputy will be aware that in the White Paper the Government directed that other Departments and agencies should take full account of tourism needs and interests in their programmes. Through the interdepartmental committee on tourism, my Department are ensuring that there is the maximum coordination in relation to environmental matters as they affect tourism.

I am, of course, very concerned about any threat to the environment from pollution. In relation to recent incidents off the south west coast to which I assume the Deputy is referring, I am satisfied that my colleagues, the Ministers for the Environment and Communications, have as far as is possible taken all the necessary measures to protect the environment. My Department are of course actively involved at local level in co-operating with the other agencies and, where necessary, taking action in relation to specific tourism, fisheries and wildlife interests.

The Minister's White Paper on Tourism asked Bord Fáilte to embark on a more active approach in encouraging development and preservation of the environment. Will the Minister indicate to the House precisely what measures Bord Fáilte have taken to satisfy the demand the Minister put on them? Can the Minister give us a few examples?

The White Paper on Tourism contained a number of initiatives on the environment. The following matters are those which were to be implemented by Bord Fáilte. Firstly, the agreement of a pilot area with the City and County Managers' Association which will be a model for a project on litter bin design, provision and servicing. This project has now been completed. Dún Laoghaire was designated as the pilot area and it is hoped that local authorities around the country will adopt the proposals of the pilot study. Secondly, the computerised mapping of the country's physical attractions. This has been implemented by Bord Fáilte. Thirdly, the carrying out of a study of our national heritage of outstanding landscapes to identify those areas of tourist importance which may be under threat from development. A Bord Fáilte study on the Connemara landscape is currently in draft form. It is intended that similar detailed assessments of other key landscapes will take place, subject to an agreement with the county councils. Fourthly, the production of a policy document on water pollution and its implications for tourism. Bord Fáilte have employed a consultant to examine this issue and a report is expected during 1987. Fifthly, the intensification of Bord Fáilte co-operation with the planning authorities. In 1986, Bord Fáilte made a detailed submission to local authorities who were reviewing their country development plans. Similar submissions will be made to local authorities reviewing their plans in 1987.

Now you know.

Apart from a few consultants which have been appointed, the only progress which has been made is a new litter bin design.

The Deputy must not have been listening.

Finally, can I ask the Minister——

The Deputy has excluded his colleague, Deputy Gallagher.

Under the White Paper on Tourism, it was suggested that the special employment schemes might provide employment for people in improving tourism amenities. Will the Minister indicate how many people have been employed under the social employment schemes to develop tourist amenities during the year?

That is a separate question involving a detailed examination of all the different areas and I am in no position to give that information.

It is a question on the implementation of the Minister's White Paper on Tourism. Is the Minister aware that there is a White Paper on Tourism?

I am, indeed.

This is an integral part of it.

All local authorities are co-operating up to the fullest in the development of tourist amenities under the social employment schemes.

Can the Minister tell us a few of the amenities they have developed?
