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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Mar 1988

Vol. 378 No. 9

Written Answers. - Ardmore (Waterford) Crane Ship.


asked the Minister for the Marine if his Department have had any further surveys carried out on the Samson crane ship at Ardmore, County Waterford; if so, the recommendations which were made; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

No further surveys have been carried out on the crane barge Samson nor are there any plans for further surveys.

In reply to the Deputy's question on 2 February, I stated that a surveyor from the Marine Survey Office of my Department boarded the vessel following the grounding and instructed the owners to remove all polluted substances. This instruction was complied with immediately and the Samson does not pose a threat to marine life.

My Department have asked the owners of the Samson to remove the vessel. Its removal is a matter, in the first instance, for the owners. A harbour or conservancy authority, or the Commissioners of Irish Lights can also remove a wreck if they consider it an obstruction or danger to navigation. I have no statutory powers to remove such wrecked vessels or to direct that they be removed. I should point out that the costs involved in wreck removal can be very great.

I am at present examining the problems involved in removal and disposal of such wrecks with a view to the enactment of new legislation in the matter, if practicable.
