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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 16 Nov 1988

Vol. 384 No. 3

Written Answers. - Kilkenny Water and Sewerage Schemes.


asked the Minister for the Environment the present position regarding the contract documents submitted to his Department by Kilkenny County Council in respect of each of the following sewerage schemes: (1) Kilkenny main drainage, stage 4, Breagagh Valley sewer (2) Rockshire scheme, stage 2 (sewers at Rockshire Road) (3) Ballyhale scheme and (4) Milepost scheme; and if he will issue approval to advertise for tender.

The present position regarding schemes in question is as follows:

Kilkenny main drainage — Stage 4 — Breagagh Valley — I understand that revised contract documents are being prepared by the county council for submission to my Department.

Rockshire, Ballyhale and Milepost sewerage schemes — Having regard to the existing level of commitments and the funds available for the sanitary services programme, I am not in a position to indicate when I will be able to allow these schemes to go to construction stage.


asked the Minister for the Environment the present position regarding the contract documents sent to his Department by Kilkenny County Council in respect of the following water schemes: (1) Kilkenny-Freshford water supply augmentation scheme (2) Thomastown water supply augmentation scheme and (3) Gowran-Goresbridge-Paulstown augmentation scheme; and if he will approve same.

The present position regarding the schemes in question is as follows:

Kilkenny-Freshford water supply augmentation scheme — extension from Threecastles to Freshford — I recently approved the working drawings for the above scheme. This will allow the council to commence construction work in the near future.

Thomastown water supply augmentation scheme — While contract documents are with my Department for the above scheme, the council have not submitted the necessary certificate confirming that all the necessary preliminary arrangements are in order. Until this is submitted, the question of approval does not arise.

Gowran-Goresbridge-Paulstown water supply scheme — Having regard to the existing level of commitments and the funds available for the sanitary services programme, I am not in a position to indicate when I will be able to authorise the local authority to invite tenders for this scheme.
