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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Dec 1988

Vol. 385 No. 2

Written Answers. - North Eastern Health Board Cuts Implications.


asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the fact that due to the £1 million cutback by his Department, the North Eastern Health Board has decided to close 30 surgical and medical beds at the County Hospital, Dundalk, County Louth for four weeks; that operations will be dealt with on an emergency basis only; that 30 beds in Monaghan County Hospital will close; that 50 per cent of surgical beds in Cavan County Hospital will close; that 40 beds at St. Pius Unit, Navan, County Meath will close and that even with these cutbacks the board will still be short £400,000 to meet its financial commitments for 1988; that the board considered requesting staff to take a £10 reduction in wages each week or that wages would be reduced by one day's pay per week; whether urgent financial assistance is required if the North Eastern Health Board and the services in the region are to be allowed to operate; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The closure of beds in the hospital mentioned by the Deputy is a matter for the North Eastern Health Board in the first instance. The measures taken by the board for the month of December relate to elective surgical beds. This is not so unusual when it is considered that the number of people who elect to enter hospital in the run up to Christmas falls significantly. The board have merely taken advantage of this situation to live within their allocation. This action has been taken following agreement with the appropriate personnel in the hospitals concerned.

I would point out that it is not my policy to encourage boards to seek reductions in staff wages in order to alleviate pressure on their finances and I am informed that no consideration was given either by the North Eastern Health Board itself or its management to the proposal mentioned by the Deputy.

I am assured that all emergency medical and surgical services will be provided in the North Eastern Health Board over the period in question.
