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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 May 1989

Vol. 389 No. 6

Written Answers. - Fish Processing Industry.


asked the Minister for the Marine the plans the Government have for the promotion of the fish processing industry, especially with a view to taking full advantage of any opportunities which might arise from the completion of the internal market after 1992; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The increasingly competitive market environment as we approach the 1992 deadline for the completion of the single EC market and related measures such as more stringent Community health and hygiene requirements will impact significantly on the fish processing sector.

These are among the principal reasons why the Government have adopted comprehensive plans for the development of the processing sector including the implementation of detailed measures to ensure the highest quality levels.

These plans are set out in the BIM document "Charting a New Course ... Development Strategy for the Seafish Industry". I have arranged that a copy be forwarded to the Deputy.

The strategy envisages a wide range of actions on marketing and processing. These include the following:

—the initiation of a new quality assurance programme to link in with the proposed new Fish Marketing Bill and EC Health and Hygiene Regulations.

—the channeling of marketing assistance through strategic product groups and building of strong export companies that can succeed in the more competitive environment arising from the Single European Market.

—the undertaking of market research and product development to identify and exploit those product/market segments where the Irish industry has a comparative advantage.

—an expanded programme of seafood promotion at home and abroad.

—a stronger overseas marketing presence with specialist BIM staff and back-up from CTT and Embassy Network.

—improved domestic distribution of fish through selective assistance under BIM's grant scheme.

—the implementation of an expanded programme of sustained exploratory fishing for whitefish and other under-utilised species.

—the encouragement of investment in whitefish processing facilities in line with improved raw material supply as well as added-value processing of farmed fish and shellfish.

—supporting projects that demonstrate strengths in marketing and raw material access.

—the encouragement of greater concentration and scaling up of firms in the sector, and,

—improved quality and hygiene standards through implementation of licensing programme.

The development of the fish processing sector forms an important part of the National Development Plan. Assistance for fish processing will fall under the scope of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 355/77. The total investment envisaged in fish processing projects over the Plan period is £45 million and the assistance sought amounts to some £20 million.

The Commission have recently circulated the draft of a new proposed Regulation to follow on from No. 355/77. This will be progressed though the Council over the remainder of the year. The adoption of this proposal should enhance the volume of funds available for Ireland in the development of the fish processing sector.
