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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 8

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Women's Income.


asked the Minister for Social Welfare if his attention has been drawn to the figures quoted in a recently published book (details supplied) that more than 30 per cent of all Irish women are living on less than £48 per week; the steps he intends to take to assist women in this category; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The book referred to by the Deputy, drawing on data collected by the ESRI in 1986 and early 1987, estimates that slightly over 30 per cent of both women and men were then living in households where the income was below the equivalent of £48 per week for a single adult. Since this survey was made, I have taken major steps in 1988 and 1989 to improve the position of those on low incomes, which have been of benefit to both men and women. These include increases in all payments, with very substantial increases being given to those on lowest incomes, special increases for child dependants, improvements in the child benefit scheme and, for those at work, improvements in the family income supplement. For example, over the last two years the personal rate of long-term unemployment assistance has been increased by some 25 per cent. Women have also benfited from the special allocations made by the Government this year to assist families, particularly large families on low incomes. We did this by providing special increases for adult dependants, usually a wife working in the home, and by raising the child dependant allowance to a minimum of £10 per week. We also improved child benefit, which is paid to the mother, and we introduced a special child-related tax exemption of £200 per child for those at work on low incomes.

I can assure the House that as resources permit the Government will continue their policy of improving the position of men and women on low incomes.

The following rates which are now paid to women claimants indicate the improvements since the ESRI survey in 1986 and early 1987:





Old Age Pension (Contributory)



Old Age Pension (Non-Contributory)



Widow's Pension (Contributory)



Widow's Pension (Non-Contributory)



Single Woman Allowance



Deserted Wife's Benefit



Deserted Wife's Allowance



Long-term Unemployment Assistance



Unmarried Mother's Allowance





Deputies will see from the figures that there has been a considerable improvement since the time of the study.

The Minister will agree that about seven out of ten women depend on assistance from the State which, quite clearly, puts them in a very poor category. The Minister said there had been improvements in the family income supplement but will he confirm his awareness of the fact that the take-up has been deplorably low in regard to these benefits? Will the Minister comment on why the take-up is so low and what he intends to do to increase awareness of these benefits?

We have taken fairly strong measures to increase the awareness in relation to the family income supplement. Our efforts have been complemented by very strong radio advertising which has been very effective. This has resulted in more than a doubling of the weekly uptake so the measures have been fairly effective in that regard. We also recently introduced a pilot study in the North Western Health Board under which those at work and on medical cards have been identified. Specific information has been directed to them outlining the benefits of the family income supplement. I hope that sort of targeting will result in an improvement in the take-up. The third point is that the numbers originally estimated were much higher than the actual numbers, perhaps for a variety of reasons. According to the research, the numbers who potentially qualify are about 12,000 whereas originally it was thought that about 35,000 would qualify.

In the limited time available I want to dispose of the two remaining priority questions in the names of Deputies Flaherty and Ferris.
