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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 Nov 1989

Vol. 392 No. 8

Written Answers. - Herring Fishery.


asked the Minister for the Marine if his attention has been drawn to the hardship that has been experienced by those involved in the fishing industry by the sudden withdrawal, without notice, of the right to launch catches of herring at Rossaveal, County Galway on the basis that such procedure was necessary for stock conservation measures.

It is regrettable that this fishery had to be closed so early. It was the intention of the management regime which had been agreed with the fishing industry for this fishery that it would be exploited in such a way that it could have remained open until into December. Catches, however, in recent weeks substantially exceeded agreed levels and once the quota concerned was reached I was legally obliged to close the fishery.

While the herring fishery north northwest of Donegal (ICES areas Vb, VIa N and VIb) is still open, it is not practicable due to distance, safety and quality factors to transport fish caught in this fishery to Rossaveal.
