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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 30 Jan 1990

Vol. 394 No. 8

Written Answers. - Domiciliary Care Allowance.

Seán Ryan


99 Mr. Ryan asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the fact that certain health boards have instituted a practice of requiring mentally handicapped children to undergo annual medical examinations, in the context of continuing payment of the domiciliary care allowance; and if he approves of this practice.

The conditions governing payment of domiciliary care allowance provide for a review of cases at appropriate intervals to establish the continued existence of the need for the allowance. Therefore it has, been the established practice by health boards since the introduction of the scheme in 1973 to review eligibility at regular intervals. The frequency of the review would depend on the circumstances of each individual case.
