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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 14 Feb 1990

Vol. 395 No. 7

Written Answers. - Birr (Offaly) School.

Tom Enright


115 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Education if her attention has been drawn to the considerable damage that has been caused to Crinkle national school, Birr, County Offaly, during recent storms; to the grave concern of parents, teachers and pupils concerning the condition of the existing pre-fabricated buildings because of the danger of water leaking through the roof and walls and the consequent danger of the electricity supply in those buildings; the date on which the permanent extension to this school was first sanctioned; and if work on the school extension will proceed as a matter of urgency.

I am aware that conditions generally at Crinkle national school, County Offaly are unsatisfactory. On 18 January 1990 my Department wrote to the school authorities offering grant-aid for essential works which were recommended by the district office of Public Works and a response is awaited. In the light of the Deputy's question I have arranged that the local architect inspect the school at once with a view to advising the school authorities on what additional works now need to be executed. Grant-aid will be available for such works in accordance with the rules for national schools.

I am at present considering the question of the provision of a permanent extension on a modified basis and I will write to the school authorities in this regard at the earliest possible date.

Tom Enright


116 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Education if she has received any requests from parents and teachers of Crinkle national school, Birr, County Offaly to meet a deputation; the number of requests made to date for such a meeting; and if she will arrange a meeting at the earliest possible date.

I am sure that the Deputy would be aware that as a Minister I receive very many requests to meet deputations to do with all aspects of education and it is my policy to respond to as many requests as possible. However, I will be pleased to respond to the request for a meeting which I have received from the local Deputies.
