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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 27 Mar 1990

Vol. 397 No. 5

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Imported Leather Goods.

Austin Deasy


15 Mr. Deasy asked the Taoiseach the value of leather goods imported in 1989.

Imports of leather goods, excluding footwear and parts for footwear, amounted to £17.4 million in January to November 1989, the latest period for which such data are available. Imports of leather footwear, other footwear with leather uppers and leather parts for footwear amounted to £81.4 million in the same period.

I did not hear the reply very clearly. I gather the figures given were £17.4 million and £81 million. My question pertains to the value of leather goods imports, and I would like the total figure for footwear, clothes, handbags and other leather items? Does the Minister have that information?

For the Deputy's benefit, I did break down the total value of imports into two part; leather goods, excluding footwear, and footwear. However, the total value of imports of all leather goods amounted to £98.8 million.

All of which could be produced in this country and none of which is.

Let us deal with questions nominated for priority. May I again assert that these questions must be disposed of within 15 minutes as provided in Standing Orders.
