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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Oct 1990

Vol. 402 No. 1

Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.

Charles Flanagan


189 Mr. Flanagan asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will arrange a review of the old age pension of a person (details supplied) in County Laois who is suffering severe hardship at present and whose means have reduced considerably.

The person concerned applied for an old age non-contributory pension in October 1988 but did not qualify as his means, derived from capital, exceeded the statutory limit for the award of a pension.

On foot of the Deputy's representations, the case has been referred to the social welfare officer for reinvestigation. On completion of the necessary inquiries, his entitlement to pension will be determined and he will be notified of the outcome as soon as possible.

Charles Flanagan


190 Mr. Flanagan asked the Minister for Social Welfare when an old age pension will be awarded to a person (details supplied) in County Offaly, who is suffering severe hardship at present.

The person concerned applied for an old age non-contributory pension in July 1989 but did not qualify as his means, derived from a holding, exceeded the statutory limit for the award of a pension. This decision was upheld on appeal in June 1990.

The person has lodged a further application for pension and the case has been referred to the social welfare officer for re-investigation of means. On completion of the necessary inquiries, his entitlement to pension will be determined and he will be notified of the outcome as soon as possible.

Tony Gregory


191 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he has satisfied himself that a rent allowance can be refused to a person (details supplied) in Dublin 7 because of the non co-operation of the landlord; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Where a person applies for assistance with rent costs under the supplementary welfare allowance scheme, the health board must be in a position to verify the tenancy and the amount of rent payments. Where claimants have difficulties in this regard the health boards will try to obtain verification otherwise.

It is understood from the Eastern Health Board, who are responsible for the administration of the supplementary Welfare allowance scheme in the Dublin area, that the person concerned was requested to provide information to enable the health board to contact the landlord on her behalf. To date this information has not been supplied. As soon as she contacts her local community welfare officer in connection with this matter, it can be examined further.
