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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 19 Feb 1991

Vol. 405 No. 3

Written Answers. - Arigna Task Force Report.

John Connor


139 Mr. Connor asked the Minister for Finance if he has considered the Arigna Task Force report; and if he accepts the recommendations in the report which suggest a role for his Department in job creation and economic rehabilitation of this region post the cessation of coal mining and the closure of the power station in the area.

I have read the report of the Arigna Task Force to the Minister for Energy and considered its recommendations in so far as they concern my Department. One recommendation in the report that seeks the involvement of my Department in the development of Arigna is that concerning urban renewal on the lines of the incentives available for areas designated under the Urban Renewal Act, 1986. The report also recommended the designation, under the urban renewal programme, of areas in the towns of Boyle and Carrick-on-Shannon. The urban renewal tax incentives, which include capital allowances for commercial premises, double-rent allowance for traders and owner-occupier residential allowance are, however, specific to the run-down and derelict parts of certain towns and cities, and are primarily aimed at construction and reconstruction of buildings. As for designation, this is the responsibility of my colleague, the Minister for the Environment, and I have no function in the matter.

The report also refers to the county development teams, which come under my aegis. I can assure the Deputy that as part of their ongoing work in the area in question, the county development teams will take a special interest in the development of any worthwhile economic projects for the area.
