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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Mar 1991

Vol. 406 No. 7

Written Answers. - Detention of Person.

Tony Gregory


172 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Justice if he will make a statement on the position of a prisoner (details supplied) who is in Mountjoy Prison; and if he can be granted temporary release pending a decision by the courts.

The person referred to in the question was refused leave to land by an immigration officer at Dublin Airport on 25 October 1990 and detained pending the making of arrangements for his departure. He was informed, in writing, of the reasons for refusing him leave to land.

On 27 October 1990 a solicitor acting on behalf of the person concerned indicated that an application for refugee status would be made. Arrangements for the departure of the person concerned were therefore deferred. The application for refugee status was received on 4 December and the necessary inquiries arising from it are still under way. As soon as these inquiries are completed, a decision on the application will be conveyed to the applicant.

As regards the final part of the question, an application for bail was refused by the High Court on 18 February 1991.
