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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Mar 1991

Vol. 406 No. 7

Written Answers. - Internal Market.

Ruairí Quinn


131 Mr. Quinn asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food whether in respect of the completion of the Internal Market by 1992, he will outline in respect of his Department (1) which directives are his responsibility, (2) the directives which have now been passed, (3) the draft directives which remain outstanding and (4) when these outstanding draft directives will be passed; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I would refer the Deputy to the seventh progress report on the completion of the Internal Market in the agriculture and food sectors —"Europen"— which was prepared in February, 1991 by my Department. A copy of this report has been placed in the Oireachtas Library.

The report deals individually with each proposal in the agriculture and food sector relating to the completion of the Internal Market setting out among other things, the aim of the measure, main provisions and current position.

In summary, the position to-date in the agriculture and food sector is that 81 measures have been adopted by the Council. Of the remaining measures, 33 have been submitted to Council and a further eight have yet to be presented by the Commission.
