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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 5 Nov 1991

Vol. 412 No. 1

Written Answers. - Tourism Promotion in the US.

Madeleine Taylor-Quinn


32 Mrs. Taylor-Quinn asked the Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications if he has satisfied himself with the promotion of tourism in the United States by the various agencies involved; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Bord Fáilte are the lead agency for the marketing and promotion of Ireland as a tourist destination in overseas markets, including the United States. There are also a whole range of organisations and companies, both in the public and private sectors, who promote Ireland in overseas markets including international carriers, tour operators, hotel chains, accommodation providers, specialist operators, etc.

I am generally satisfied with the efforts being made to promote Irish tourism in the United States but there is more to be done. This is a very competitive market and I am naturally concerned that the growth in United States tourist numbers to Ireland in recent years had been lower than in our other main markets.

As the Deputy is aware, 1991 has been a particularly difficult year for the tourist industry because of the Gulf War and the economic recession in our two main markets, Britain and the United States. In view of these difficulties, I succeeded in securing this year for the industry additional marketing funds from the European Regional Development Fund, at a preferential intervention rate of 75 per cent, which enabled a special £1.25 million promotional campaign to be conducted in the United States. Present indications are that the outturn for this year will be considerably better than originally forecast and I am hopeful of a resumption in growth next year.
